Sky Eye?


Registered User
I've given my parents an old TV I had for their kitchen. They currently have Sky in the sitting room. Is there any way of broadcasting Sky wirelessly on this TV from the Sky box? Was looking at Sky Eye but not really sure this is what I'm looking for.
yes, we'v a booster box in the attic and a wire comes from this to every tv in the house piping sky (all same station must be watched if few tvs on together). The sky box in the bedroom but an eye on any tv allows the remote to work the sky without actually being in the room with the box.
Thanks for the replies. Ref the link to Argos above, it seems you still need to physically connect the TV to the Sky box when using this option. Does anyone know of any way of wirelessly transmitting the Sky box on the TV in kitchen? Maybe no such way exists!
Yes, Wireless Senders with IR link :

Here's one in Maplin:
[broken link removed]

You can get one much cheaper on Ebay if you do a bit of research.
Thanks for that. That the kind of thing I was looking for. If anyone has a link to something similar that they bought on Ebay and are happy to recommend, I'd love to hear from them.
Thanks again to everyone.
You'll get them for ~€35 from [broken link removed] if you can wait the ~4 weeks for delivery.
Thanks Leo. That looks like a great deal. Do I need to buy a Sky Eye as well as that transmitter so I can change the channels or will I be able to use the Sky remote on these transmitters? (sorry if these are stupid questions!)
And one last question.. It has a standard US plug. Will I need anything other than an adapter for this?
And one last question.. It has a standard US plug. Will I need anything other than an adapter for this?

Well it claims to usable with our A/C supply (230V) eg:
2 x 100~240V AC Charger (US Plug)
so just an adapter required.

Re: the Sky magic eye, it also claims that it is:-

Superheterodyne 433MHz IR wireless re-transmitter is fully compatible with remote control signals of DVD, DVR, CCD camera, IPTV, satellite STB, digital TV STB and other AV devices

so should be no need for one.
Thanks for all the replies. I've ordered one and I'll let you know how I get on with it.
So I ordered this at the end of October and it still hasnt arrived. This is the order tracking info on the website. Can anyone make head or tail of it?
Year Status Location Destination Country Date
2013 Collection 51810302 IE 20131102 1103
2013 Opening 51805300 IE 20131102 1708
2013 Dispatching 51805300 IE 20131103 1049
2013 Opening 51003100 IE 20131104 1228
2013 Departure from outward office of exchange 51003100 IE 20131104 1452
It departed China on November 4th. Location will change to IE once it lands in Ireland. That's a little slower than usual, but with increased volumes in the run up to Christmas, things take longer.