sky digital tv...breach of contract



Hi, Can anyone offer me advice.

I subscribed to sky over the phone about 3 months ago. at that time there was a special offer on the internet, something like 2 months free movies and sports and 2 months half price service.

I emphasised at the time that i could easily subscriber over the net, but if i did it over the phone would they give me the same offer? they sadi yes they would.

low and behold, they have charged me the full price 69every month. I have made 6 phone calls talking to india/ use. So I cancelled my direct debit. Now they are coming after me. I told them I have no issue paying what i agrred to pay every month 15 for first two months and 25 after that. They say they have no record of this initial conversation. I have asked for the transcript ofmy initial conversation. I can't get anyone to talk to me.

So I'm thinking of going to the small claims court....any ideas.
It was a verbal contract, but I had to sign soe other things too, to say I wouldn't default on payments for 1 year. I've never gone to small claims courtbut newits a point of principal. I know it will probably cost me more in the long run, but i feel i have to
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I am a sky customer as of last Monday, and have already had to query the bill....I joined online, should have got first 2 months half-price (which was the offer at the time), but the first bill doesn't include this discount. I phoned customer services who "are looking into it".
Today I received a letter from sky to tell me about their billing system and what my monthly charge will be - €15 euro per month more than was stated on earlier documents!
Looks like I'll be talking to them again today!
I recently cancelled the multiroom subscription (by email) and asked for written confirmation which they duly give. However they stated that I would now be paying €40.50 per month. I queried this as I knew it was too low. Got a reply back from a different person apologising for the wrong info and confirming that it would be €55 per month but also referred to me having the films channels which I cancelled ages ago.

I queried this again and was told that my monthly payment would be €58 and they refused to comment on the issue of the films channels. So within the space of 7 days I was told I would be paying 3 different amounts. After that I told them the only way I would be sure of what I would be paying was to cancel the entire subscription and I would be paying nothing. They duly obliged and as of 4th August I will be a free man again.
Quick update on my experience with Sky and their half-price offer for what it's worth - I received an email today from Sky customer services to tell me that they have no record of an offer "being offered or accepted" when I registered - despite the fact that I've got the flier telling me about half-price for 2 months. I'm querying it further with Sky.

Given dave_m11's and my experience, I would suggest that any of you joining Sky be very careful to get confirmation in writing that any subscription offers will be applied whether you join via phone or online.
I got sky installed last March - exactly the same story !! I was to get Sky Movies & Sky Sports free for the first two months. The installer had the contract with him for me to sign up on the install day. When I asked about the special offer he said no,it was only the basic package i would receive,movies & sports were not on the contract. He said he would follow it up later himself. I signed the contract anyway believing that it was a "clerical error".
But Sky refused me point blank - they said I didnt qualify for the special offer, end of story. So I told them it was no problem, they could arrange for the recovery of their equipment asap as i would not be using their service. They finally agreed to give me Movies & Sports free for two months.
I had a similar problem with Sky years ago but I stood my ground and managed to contact someone fairly high up in a the relevant department. it was a prob with direct debit mandate-at the time sky said they couldnt process the format that my bank was using(no idea?) and started sending threatening letters.After I'd completed and returned NUMEROUS direct debit forms and even more phonecalls I'd had enough and eventually managed to talk to someone with a bit of initutive who sorted the problem. they even put a credit on my account as a gesture of goodwill. stand your ground as much as possible but not sure I'd go so far as to stop payments-I threatened to do it but in my case didn't come to it. good luck.
just looking at this thread and I thought the offer for 1/2 price was for 3 months not 2 months....

Their offers seem to change frequently.
When I signed up approx 12 months ago, the half-price offer was for 3 months. I think the offer I got was on a flyer that fell out of the heddild.
There's a different offer available online at the mo ...
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For what its worth NTL's billing system is not without its faults however an e-mail seems to do the trick.I have only a basic package.
NTL are a nightmare, just don't go there. Customer services non-existent.