Sky Digital Problem


Registered User
I have a problem with interference, BBC1 sound coming in over the other satelite channels. Also, there is a problem with the picture freezing/unfreezing, and the same with the sound, quiet annoying. I am worried that it might be the Digi Box, but hopefully somebody else might have an insight???
Make sure your scart lead is not loose. I had a similar problem with picture freezing etc. when i checked back of digibox, scart lead was loose, tightened it up and hey presto problem solved..
I had same problem last year.
I had one of these 'a ha' moments when I noticed that the signal was being intermittently interfered with by garden tree brances that got in the disk line of satellite reception. A few brances cut later and all was file again!
Got Sky + recently and the "series link" option has let us down twice in the last week.

The first time we missed the end of a programme and last night only the last 20 minutes of the The West Wing taped.

Anyone else had this problem before I go back to the installer and/or Sky? Could the Sky + Box be faulty. We have plenty of space on the Box.

Sim One said:
Got Sky + recently and the "series link" option has let us down twice in the last week.

The first time we missed the end of a programme and last night only the last 20 minutes of the The West Wing taped.

Anyone else had this problem before I go back to the installer and/or Sky? Could the Sky + Box be faulty. We have plenty of space on the Box.


There are some problems with the current Sky+ software which leads to various problems such as the ones you mentioned. They are rolling out new software this month and next which should hopefully resolve these issues.
Thanks Leimeister

Do you know if manually entering the programmes to be recorded would overcome this problem?

Sim One said:
Thanks Leimeister

Do you know if manually entering the programmes to be recorded would overcome this problem?

Not sure if it would Sim one. Just remembered now though that there is an option under Sky+ Settings that lets you start to record a programme a set amount of time before a programme is due to begin and also continue recording for a set amount of time after it is due to finish - presumably to allow for delays, etc.

Rebooting the box also sometimes fixes the problem (unplug at the wall for about 1 min).

Either way, I'd probably wait until you have the new software (you'll know as you will then access the Sky+ planner via the Green button) before getting onto Sky.