sky box fault


Registered User
Hi I hope someone can tell me what the problem is.

My sky+ box is acting up when I record a programme I can't look at any other channel it just says not receiving sat signal. I had this problem before and I just disconnected the coax cables from the box and lnb and this seemed to sort it out but this time it hasn't worked. There was a power outage in my area last weekend and that's when the problem started and one of my neighbours said they can't get a signal on there box in the sitting room since the outage also.

I was wondering is this the lnb that is faulty or is it the sky box that will need replacing. I need this sorted as a few good tv programmes are back soon and need them recorded.
It's most likely a fault with one of the cables running from the LNB to the dish. Easy enough figure out which one. Look in the Services - System Test menu. It'll tell you whether you're missing the signal from connection 1 or 2.

To check that it's the cable and not the LNB, swap the two connectors at the LNB, if you still get signal on the same cable, the LNB is fine, and it is the other cable.

Remove the plug from the problem cable, and check that the shielding wires (thin copper cables woven around the plastic insulator) do not touch the central core (thicker copper wire inthe centre ). Reassemble the plug carefully, ensuring good connection between the cable copper and the connector.

If both cables work while connected to a single LNB socket, then there's an issue with the LNB. It may have more than two connections (most supplied with 4 now), try the others.

Let us know how you get on with that, and we'll work from there.
Got it sorted leo thanks for the feed back I just messed around with the cables and it did the job.