skirting first before built in wardrobe


Registered User
Just moved into a new house. I was told by floor guy that the skirting boards were put in first and then the built in wardrobe. As such, he cannot remove the skirting boards to put down new laminate floors. He will use beading which I intensely dislike. How do I tell that he isn't lying? Is there anything that can be done to avoid using beading?
I'm no carpenter, but surely he can cut the skirting where it meets the wardrobe? The bit behind the wardrobe can't be seen anyway.
Sounds like he doesn't want the hassle of cutting the skirting where it meets the wardrobe. It is a pain as its not easy to cut at that point.

If it was me I would use a small multi-tool like a Dremmell to cut it as much as possible and then a good sharp chisel to finish it off if required.
Although it is unlikely to be an issue, it is worth checking that raising the skirting boards, by the short distance needed to provide clearance for the new flooring, will not result in the skirting impeding the doors/drawers of the wardrobe.

If that did seem likely, or even if the fitter insists that the skirting boards cannot be removed (as already mentioned above, they can be removed despite the fitted wardrobe so it sounds like your fitter is trying to minimise his/her effort required), the fitter could cut a piece off the base of the skirting board in situ using something like a biscuit jointer or an angle grinder with a suitable blade (as discussed recently in another thread on this forum - I think the thread title was "Wooden floors").