Skiing in March


Registered User
Hoping to go ski-ing in march but have no idea the best place to go. Have never been before so ideally somewhere suitable for beginners.
There seems to be a lot of resorts on all the travel sites but don't know where to start.
All advice welcome.
Andorra or any of the relatively low altitude places are great for beginners through to intermediates. I skied in Arinsal in Andorra in March a couple of years back and the snow was perfect. They added aritifical snow in the mornings and at lunchtime to keep the piste nice and skiable. The weather was fabulous too and the pair of us came back brown as berries, skiing in t-shirts every day. It can be hit and miss conditions wise as it is nearing the end of the season, but the lower prices usually reflect this. Snow seems to be in shortage everywhere this year so you could ski in January and have poor conditions. The resorts do prepare for all this by having their artifical snow machines.
Judging by the current weather conditions you could be skiing well into April. Was in Arinsal a few years ago myself with similar conditions and had a great time. I'm off next week myself but in hindsight I should of been looking at end of February, start of March to be guaranteed of snow.

Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing!!!