Sizing a Kitchen Extractor Fan


Registered User

Need to get a new extractor fan for kitchen. Current one cannot cope and kitchen ends up way too hot when cooking.

Any tips/guidelines on what to look for when getting such a device and how best to get one with the appropriate power to cope?


It all depends on the volume of air space in the room, the rooms shape and floor to ceiling height etc. There are a lot of variables and that science of fluid dynamics comes into play! If you go for a very powerful fan you may find it extracting all the room heat outside and causing excessive draughts, unless you opt for a fan with a heat recovery system.

I fitted a "Belling" chimney style hood in my kitchen and find it very good. I kept the extract point as close to the fan as possible, keeping the ducting less than 2 foot in length. Long lengths of ducting, corners and turns will increase the internal surface area and friction within the ducting and this will dramatically affect the performance of any fan. It's important to have sufficient air coming into the room to replace the air being extracted- otherwise the fan will labour (air starvation) and performance will drop considerably. I have two 6" wall vents in my kitchen (standard grant sized house). A fan with a rating of 250- 300 watts should be adequate for most domestic kitchens.
Carpenter's advice seems good.

Slightly off topic but one thing that you might like to bear in mind is the noise element. I hate the noise from these things and find that when it goes on the telly in the kitchen is immediately raised which drives me mad I have a vague recollection of one of the salesmen in possibly Discount Electric telling me that there are quieter versions but they are quite expensive.

I looked at different coloured ones but IMHO silver is probably most serviceable or easier to clean.

Whatever you do don't go for a non-ducted (?) charcoal one.
Thanks for the advise folks, some good stuff there esp from Carpenter (as per usual)