Size of new site


Registered User
Hello Folks,

when buying an old house in the country with a septic tank, is there a requirement on the seller to make the site size half an acre min? The owner has lots of land all around the house but wants to make the site size for sale purpose just a third of an acre. House 80 years old and vacant 7 years but built a septic tank in the 70,s.
Many thanks for your replies.
"is there a requirement on the seller to make the site size half an acre min?"

No. He can put up for sale whatever he likes!

Whether anyone will buy it is another matter. If the vendor is serious about selling, he may be open to negotiation on the size of the site.

It is up to the vendor to protect their interests. They should also ensure there are no complications resulting from the house being vacant for so long. Also check that the septic tank meets current regulations, or at least get an opinion on what it might cost to bring it up to current standards. Could easily run into thousands.

You need to read the Statutory Development Plan that is in place for the area that the site is situated. Some Development Plans require a minimum of 0.5 acres/0.2 hectares for new rural dwellings, some Plans require this minimum for existing dwellings, including old cottages. Your answer lies within the Plan!

In relation to the Septic Tank system, given it age predating Copes of Practice for such systmes, if it's operating properly the size of the site won't really matter. However, if you plan on extending the property and the PE increases, you may need to update the system and then you'll need to comply with EPA Code of Practice, 2009 in relation to size, separation distance etc. At 1/3 acre it's anyone's guess as to whether you could comply with EPA CoP 2009. I've seen smaller sites than this comply, but it depends on ground conditions, gradient, other wells etc in the vicinity.