Sitka Spruce - bark falling off




I have a Sitka Spruce tree, I'm not sure how old it is but the bark on one side has been falling off since the stormy weather a couple of months ago. The tree is quite tall and the circumference at the base is about 54 inches. The area of bark that has fallen is worrying - about 5foot high x 14 inches wide. Also, the exposed part of the tree is starting to peel and flake and looks like it might have some sort of disease. Can anyone offer some advice? Thanks.
Did something hit the tree during the bad weather to open the inner bark to infection? Its also normal for trees to split their bark sometimes during a very cold spell. but i dont think this is the case here.

A word of advice. If this peeling completly surrounds the tree, it will die - i say this in case its in the vicinity of your house.

there are on line tree diagnostic websites on line. Cant recommend one tho as i havent used one in years.
Thanks for reply Kilter. I don't think anything hit the tree, it has trees either side of it (Spruce and a Beech) and a hedge in front of it, so the part that is peeling is fairly protected. The peeling is only on one side and doesn't surround the tree. I suspect that because of its height, it may have bent from the winds, causing the bark to crack.The tree is close to the roadside, which is worrying if it does die. I was hoping there would be something I could paint on it to help repair it. Will try googling tree diagnostics