Sites- Stamp duty, VAT and 'development contributions'


Registered User
Has anyone else noticed that people building their own houses in Ireland get completely hammered by tax?! In the UK you don't pay stamp duty on a site valued below £125k. Here you pay the punitive non-residential rate, even though, by having planning permission, it's obviously bloody residential! We're treated the same as someone building a factory, or an office building. The first €10k only is exempt - When was the last time you saw a site for €10k?

We pay VAT - the full whack - on every single thing in your house - labour and materials. In the UK, there is a zero VAT rate on construction costs and that applies to self builders too, not just professional builders/developers.

Then on top of all that we're stung with anything from a few grand to €20k or more in 'development contributions'. A lot of people are under the mistake impression that this is for development that you will benefit from in your lifetime. That is not necessarily the case... It only has to be used to benefit someone living somewhere in your county. There is no obligation whatsoever on the Council to ever provide you with mains water, sewerage, decent roads or a school, never mind a playground or two, in return for that money. Nor is there any accountability on exactly what your money paid for. AFAIK, these are treated as 'income' for the council and senior staff get paid bonuses based on the amount we all pay- that's just not right.

What bothers me is that none of this is means-tested and there is no sliding scale dependant on your income. Being able to build a house doesn't make you rich. So a first-time buyer, on a low income, who happens to be building instead of buying a house, gets absolutely no help whatsoever from the government. In stamp duty and contributions alone we will have paid €20k. The only reason this doesn't cause complete uproar, I think, is because we can all stick it on the mortgage. But that's just not good enough. None of us have that kind of money lying around. We have to borrow it, which means that we couldn't afford it in the first place, so we then have to pay another €20k or so in interest to a bank over the rest of our lives for the privilege.

Anyone else totally browned off about this? Has anyone thought of doing something about it?
I hadn't thought about stamp duty/vat aspect of it as tbh we're still going to have the house we want at a lot less purchase tag then if we'd had to buy from a developer. Its also in the area we wanted. BUT my biggest issue was after 2 years fighting hard for planning when we got it on the Friday we got a bill on the Monday for over E11k. Development levies. Okay where we live is in the forgotten corner of the county. There are barely roads . . . honest. And twice during the build process we've been laughed at to our faces for being so stupid as to pay them. Both times by people better in a position to pay them. Why don't the council actively enforce and persue all levies due.
Moved from Homes & Gardens. Do not post letting off steam material in other forums.
I agree with the stamp duty issue. If you buy a site with a tied in contract to build ( usually in an urban estate) as a FTB or owner occupier, in general you would be exempt from stamp duty. But because you buy a site in the country and build yourself you have to pay stamp duty. Which can be quite considerable. FTB buying a site to build their house on should at least be exempt IMO.

As to what to do about it- only thing you can do is to lobby your local political representative to try to get the legislation changed.