Site very boggy - will need 'Piles' Foundation - any advice?


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We have the opportunity to buy a site. We got someone to have a look at the site(very experienced) before we put an offer in(if we do now). He said that the site will need Piles to build the house on as the land is too boggy. Also he said that we will need something like Puriflow Percolation system for waste.

The cost for the piles he has estimated to be about 35000Euro.

Has anyone had any experience with having to do the above? It's put us off the site slightly(not me at all, but Mr. Cyrstal, I love the aspect of the site - SW Facing back garden )

Also would not be offering the asking price of the site due to the costs above of getting it ready for a build, we're going to offer 60K less, we may be laughed out of the estate agents!

Any advice would be appreciated?

Re: Site very boggy - will need Piles - any advice?

Hi my brother works for a company who does this type of work they pile the house put precast beams on top and slab the base. It is more expensive but you can deduct the price of normal foundations from it. So the cost is not that much more. The issue you may have is on very bad ground you need to pile services and you can have more expense with your access roads etc. It is quite common to use this system at the moment
Re: Site very boggy - will need Piles - any advice?

The cost for this system is much more expensive (200E+ p/m2 for the ground floor slab), based on a recent study carried out by myself. You have to provide a number of attendances, and the scope of the works the piling contractor carry out generaly do not cover, floor screeds, insulation, drainage, footpaths etc. thats 35k + all the attendances and addtional works.

Have you carried out any soil testing under the roads or house?

Been there! I have same issue but the site is wonderful so after much research Piling is the way to go according to the experts!....Apparently Cumnor Const Blarney n Cork are the speacialists. If i can offer you any assistance just drop me a line.
Problem i seen with houses that were piled,the house is ok but everything else around it sinks over time.Seen houses where the driveway and gullys all sank by about 18 inches and had to be redone
Find another site house building is difficult and stressful enough without all that extra worry and expense. I am sure you will be able to find another site equally as good!

get trial holes dug (if not done already) and do soil testing to get bearing capacity of the soil and geotech report. might cost u a grand but would be money well sent as u may go into piling when not necessarily required....depends on whether your friend who had a look was just doing so visually or whether had trial holes dug ---what part of the country?