Site insurance required on field but not building yet



A year ago we got full planning on a site we bought off a local farmer. We got approval for a mortgage to build and to pay the site. We only required half of the site cost as we had the rest in savings therefore only drew down this amount. As we are trying to sell our current house we do not want to start building yet.

My question is why are the insurance costs so high on a field? A year ago I paid in the region of 400 euro - I argued the fact that it was only a field and we weren't building yet but to no avail. The renewal has just come in and it is at €432. I really don't know what this is for.

Does anyone know which insurance companies will insure a site as I know they don't all do it?
Should I contact my bank to see about reducing what needs to be insured?

BTW there is no house alongside it or anything it is amongst other fields.
If there are no building materials or any excavation works on the site then its just a field, so its possible you only need some sort of public liability insurance to cover anty trespasser injuring themselves on you land?

I assume the site is fenced adequately.
If someone trespasses on your field and has an accident, then you may be held liable.

I'm not saying you will, but its things like that the insurance will need to cover AFAICR.


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All advice on AAM is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support - in and of itself - should legal action be taken.
Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matters at hand.
Because you are only purchasing public liability in isolation to anything else. And insurers have minimum premiums that apply to this type of cover hence the cost.