SIPTU Pay Increase- Thank God I don't care anymore

I wonder what the weather is like on Planet SIPTU ? It seems like a lovely place to escape to from the real world.
Must take a trip to the bearded planet. They seem to be talking out of Uranus
It's the beginning of the battle with the Government, the cynic says they'll end up accepting a payfreeze as a "saving" against what they asked for instead of asking for nothing and being offered a cut instead
It's the beginning of the battle with the Government, the cynic says they'll end up accepting a payfreeze as a "saving" against what they asked for instead of asking for nothing and being offered a cut instead
+ 1
Purely tactical and a good move by SIPTU at this stage with a view to staving off pay cuts down the road.
Thanks to my new zen like state when it comes to the economy, I can now laugh at things like this...........

Hear, hear. I've abandoned the news, abandoned 4-7 radio, abandoned my frequent visits and posts to AAM - and the blood pressure is now much lower All I need to do now is find my own little island in the sun and establish my own little nation. That part of the plan is proving a little more difficult...
It's the beginning of the battle with the Government, the cynic says they'll end up accepting a payfreeze as a "saving" against what they asked for instead of asking for nothing and being offered a cut instead

Yep, you got it exactly.
I would prefer the SIPTU members to strike so as I am driving by the picket line I can aim my collection of rotten eggs at their greedy heads
It's the beginning of the battle with the Government, the cynic says they'll end up accepting a payfreeze as a "saving" against what they asked for instead of asking for nothing and being offered a cut instead

I agree but the unions are seriously overplaying their hand. If they were smart they would be volunteering a 6% pay cut to match deflation and take the high moral ground.
Sorry, volunteering a pay cut ? Taking the moral high ground ?
Are you still talking about unions ?

Thanks to my new zen like state when it comes to the economy, I can now laugh at things like this...........

The goings on in this country have the makings of an epic black comedy - the plot line: a bunch of carefree Fianna Failers can't believe their luck when they find themselves back in power again in 2007, after spending the previous 5 years on a massive spending binge - where the answer to any problem or plea was to throw money, tax-breaks,favours and jobs at them with a view to placating and pacifying the huddled masses of struggling bankers, public-servants, developers,farmers,snake-oil sales men, back-benchers, front-benchers, unions, and any other vested interest creature that moved over the face of the earth.
Then one day, all the chickens came home to roost, but luckily, a get-out clause came riding over the hill i.e. the global credit crunch, which the Fianna Failers clutched to their breasts, lamenting the cruel loss of all they had worked so hard to create.
Perhaps a fitting end to the saga, would be to see the union cavalry ride over the hill to rescue the Fianna Failers from the dreaded private sector ordinary joes and those cunning middle income folks - who are blatantly using pathetic excuses (redundancy, pensions meltdown, pay freezes/cuts) to prevent the government from doing what it does best i.e. playing to and for the vested interests - after all, those are the people who form the DNA of that great party.
Pretty black I suppose, but the Fianna Failers and their friends (the few) will do their best to have a laugh......the last the expense of the those who are not their friends (the many).......
The goings on in this country have the makings of an epic black comedy

That's for sure. We could call it Bert-adder. And the sequal could be Bog-adder. Plenty of ideas for the Baldrick character
"The banks are bust but I have a cunning plan..."
Purely tactical and a good move by SIPTU at this stage with a view to staving off pay cuts down the road.

Are you serious? It’s pay cuts now or much bigger pay cuts later... or are we just about to discover the world’s biggest oil reserve somewhere in the midlands? (if it’s off-shore we’re buggered; the Norwegians own that.)
... or are we just about to discover the world’s biggest oil reserve somewhere in the midlands?

Well, we have drilled in to a hell of a lot of hot air from the midlands. Surely, there's oil or gas there somewhere....
It's all to easy to blame FF and the Greens on this - where are the opposition on this?

Have Labour or the Blue Shirts come out to condemn this ? They are just as spineless as the government when it comes to standing up to the public sector unions. I mean, has anyone heard anything from George Lee since he was elected? FG seem to be a past expert at wooing celeb candidates that are complete political lightweights

Now that the bankers have sucked us dry, the public sector unions and all the political parties are picking over the bones.

Still - at least the private sector will pick up the tab
It's all to easy to blame FF and the Greens on this - where are the opposition on this?
Of course it's easy to blame them. It's 100% their fault after all. Weren't they supposedly running the country?
Are you serious? It’s pay cuts now or much bigger pay cuts later... or are we just about to discover the world’s biggest oil reserve somewhere in the midlands? (if it’s off-shore we’re buggered; the Norwegians own that.)
It looks very much like the Tanaiste is following the Mandate line of savings through efficiencies/reform rather than pay cuts.
At the Small Firms Association conference she said " If there are other alternatives ( to pay cuts )that can be provided which can equal the same savings then of course all of the line ministers and all of the departments will be more than happy to work with people to ensure that "
It would appear that the union's tough stance on pay cuts could pave the way for public sector reform , not a bad trade off I would have thought ?