Sinus trouble


Registered User
Does anyone else have problems with their sinuses out there? If so can you recommend anything other than the over the counter stuff like sudafed which doesnt help a bit?
I constantly feel like im smothering with a flu but dont suffer as i would normally with a flu.
Someone told me to give up bread and dairy. I cut down drastically but this doesnt seem to help either.
Any opinions??

I got sinus trouble once and got a prescription for it which cured it but it came back almost immediately. Someone told me to sniff warm salty water up each nostril. The objective is to get the salty water into the back of the nostril and down into the throat without swallowing - then spit it out of course. Do this about four or five times a day until you're cured, in a couple of days probably. It worked for me a few years ago and I never got an attack of sinus since.
I had terrible sinus trouble when I lived in Donegal (Letterkenny). When I moved to Galway for college, the problem dissappeared. Some folk reckoned it was the sea air in Galway. I have lived near the sea in Dublin ever since I finished college, and my sinuses have never bothered me.

(I'm not suggesting that you do anything as drastic as move house, but maybe the sea air/saltwater issue is related in some way?).
Could be anything - dust mites (moved house recently?), hayfever etc.
I have a dust mite allergy. Found flexonase worked very well.
Teabag said:
Could be anything - dust mites (moved house recently?), hayfever etc.
I have a dust mite allergy. Found flexonase worked very well.

Flixonase destroyed my stomach -much of it goes down the back of your throat and into your stomach need to be sure you are using it properly ..look out for environmental causes ....dust mites- I have allergy to dust mites , chemicals including household chemicalss and perfume, aftershave ...