Sinn Féin’s €39bn housing plan


Registered User
The Shinners are planning on spending 7.8 billion a year on housing every year over the first 5 years they are in power, a total of 39 billion Euro. That will deliver 300,000 homes. That's €130,000 a home.

A few questions;
  • How are they going to get the cost that low?
  • Who are they going to get to build them?
  • Where are they going to build them?
  • How are they going to prevent planning objections and delays?
Bear in mind that they're going to dump responsibility for delivery onto the Local Authorities, meaning that no-one can blame them when it goes tits up. Eoin O'Broin isn't completely dumb!
We’re already on track to do that with the current government, so it’s hardly grounds to celebrate.

Who’s more likely to deliver those numbers, people who are already doing it, or Trotskyite spoofers run by an Army Council in a different jurisdiction?
They are also going to introduce a rent freeze, an eviction ban and an NCT.

The first two are temporary but will, of course, become permanent.
Let's all play pluck a figure out of thin air and say we'll spend it on housing... and while we're at it, let's take a second figure and say we'll spend that on health, and a third figure, to be spent on education.

SF are losing serious levels of support, based on a series of recent polls - and I think it's because a lot of the younger people have copped on, to their spin.
Let's all play pluck a figure out of thin air and say we'll spend it on housing... and while we're at it, let's take a second figure and say we'll spend that on health, and a third figure, to be spent on education.

SF are losing serious levels of support, based on a series of recent polls - and I think it's because a lot of the younger people have copped on, to their spin.
I think it's because half their supporters are really Labour voters but are too stupid to realise it and the other half are too racist to vote with liberal Labour supporters. Housing was the thing that united them and immigration is the thing that divides them. This is a Hail Mary play to try to get the focus back on housing and their star player, the not-nordie housing guy who dresses up as Trotsky.
So no subsidies for buyers.

Reduction in rent subsidies.

Total freeze on rents and even more rights to tenants

AND make house prices collapse by 35%.

sf have always targeted a voter who has little real interest in things, less educated and more likely to follow whoever shouts loudest. They then realised that they needed to appeal to middle class voters if they had any chance of getting into government. It worked for a while until they got out shouted by far right groups who suddenly attracted the "its the gubberments fault" cohort.

The middle also realised that sf really were not what they had made themselves out to be and simply jumped from fence to fence depending on what made a news headline. The middle also seem to be happy with how the economy is going and not going to risk the good times going

Now sf seem to be running in all directions, rudderless and what seems to be a leader who has lost the room.

Housing is a big issue, but this plan is totally bonkers
ah - they are going to subsidise the developers.

Give billions to developers and pray pray pray and pray again the savings will be passed on.
Let's all play pluck a figure out of thin air and say we'll spend it on housing... and while we're at it, let's take a second figure and say we'll spend that on health, and a third figure, to be spent on education.

Back in the day at least the opposition had the good decency to wait for an election to be called before firing up the random number generator.

Does seem strange to be out of the blocks so early. As I understood it, the key here was to be the last party to make up a number and to make sure it was bigger than all the rest that came before?
€ 39,000,000,000 for 300,000 houses = € 130,000 per house - sure, why not?
The Shinners are planning on spending 7.8 billion a year on housing every year over the first 5 years they are in power, a total of 39 billion Euro. That will deliver 300,000 homes. That's €130,000 a home.

A few questions;
  • How are they going to get the cost that low?
  • Who are they going to get to build them?
  • Where are they going to build them?
  • How are they going to prevent planning objections and delays?

37bn / 125,000 = 296k per house

Bear in mind that 25,000 of the 125,000 are to be sold to buyers, so the 296k figure is not an exact measure of the development cost per house.

The cost to build a house in the GDA is 461k, but that includes large amount for
(1) land costs = 70k, way too high
(2) finance costs = 23k, way too high
(3) developers margin = 54k, too high

If we wanted to, as a society, we could reduce that 146k of cost.

By removing the developers margin, and de-risking development, and by using land taxes, and cheaper finance, we should be able to knock 100k off that 146k of costs.
175,000 of the 300,000 houses are nothing directly to do with the State.

The SF plan is for the State to provide 125,000 houses.

The private sector will build that many (175,000 over 5 years) anyway. The State funds some of them but the private sector build all of them so the Shinners are going to directly build 25,000 houses a year. The State is going to build them. The same State that spent a third of a million on a bicycle shed. The same State that is alreadty significantly more expensive than the private sector in providing housing. They are going to have more of that. Yea, that'll work...

Are the Shinners are going to have a new Public Sector building company? Are Local Authorities going to have a building company each?
We already have a labour shortage in the construction sector. Now that the Shinners have embraced the racists, xenophobes and ethno-nationalists and will allow white people (local communities) to dictate who gets to live near them there won't be any immigrants coming to help build those extra houses.

And they are going to have a constitutional right to housing. I'd vote against any party that supported such an utterly stupid idea.

Providing finance to developers and reforming planning laws is a good idea but considering the number of objections Shinner "activists" lodge against private developments in Dublin I think that will a long time coming.
37bn / 125,000 = 296k per house

Bear in mind that 25,000 of the 125,000 are to be sold to buyers, so the 296k figure is not an exact measure of the development cost per house.

The cost to build a house in the GDA is 461k, but that includes large amount for
(1) land costs = 70k, way too high
(2) finance costs = 23k, way too high
(3) developers margin = 54k, too high

If we wanted to, as a society, we could reduce that 146k of cost.

By removing the developers margin, and de-risking development, and by using land taxes, and cheaper finance, we should be able to knock 100k off that 146k of costs.
So the Shinners are going to give private developers massive tax breaks. Who gets to decide who buys these cheap houses? Will they be for Good Republicans, Party Loyalists, Proper Irish People (white Irish) etc?
Tom McFeely ( ex Maze Prisoner and Hunger striker and cowboy builder ) would probably be the chief advisor to the shinners if they were ever in power to oversee their housing plan
The biggest flaw I see in the 25,000 affordable homes that replaces the current shared ownership is that you will only be able to buy in developments controlled by sinn fein.

What if you don't want to live in the developments they control? What if you want to build on your own site?
Tom McFeely ( ex Maze Prisoner and Hunger striker and cowboy builder ) would probably be the chief advisor to the shinners if they were ever in power to oversee their housing plan
Is he a Good Republican?