single skin wall for extension (selling up)


Registered User
Hi. I bought my house from my parents when I was 18 (13yrs ago) and have always lived here and so never sold a house before.

Sometime in the 70's when I was very young my father extended the old coalshed/outhouse on the side of the house and turned it into a kitchen, allowing a dining room to go in the existing kitchen.
He only insulated and plasterboarded the inside and fitted it out, and its been left with the single skin brick wall.
I now want to sell the house, the first thing the valuation woman mentioned was that it was single brick and would be picked up on by a surveyor..
Anyone know is this going to be a huge problem for me in selling?

Also for as long as I can recall (at least 20yrs) there has been a crack in the cement that zig zigs between the bricks from the top of the living room window and goes all the way up to the bedroom windowsill. This has always been there as far as I can remember and has never got any worse, there are no other obvious cracks inside or outside the house.
How much of a problem would this be also when seen by a surveyor?

As I said I am a selling virgin and any info from any experienced sellers would be greatly appreciated!
Converting a shed or outhouse was and still is a common enough practice and in the 70's the standard conversion/insulating method was along the lines you described. There is nothing wrong with that and nothing to worry about. Of course it would add that bit more to the value of the property had it been done in cavity wall construction but it certainly wouldnt pay you to do that now as the extra cost involved would be a lot more than the extra you would get in the value of it.

Leave it as it is. If a prospective buyer isnt happy with it then let them proceed with the sale and then they can do their own thing on it. It wont be an issue with the sale of the house.

In relation to the crack, again I would be reasonable sure that its nothing more than a settlement crack and wont have any great bearing on the sale unless you get some very pernickity so and so who wants to make an issue of it and get you to drop the price a bit.

All in all I cant see you having any problems based on what you have posted here. Good luck with the sale.