single mom, new home


Registered User
Hi all, just wondering, im a single mom earning 24k p.a., i recieve a family inc Supplement of 21euros a week. I just purchased an AF house. Wondering is there anything that Social Welfare give to help u furninsh. i know years ago they used to give something but dunno if thats still around??
Visit the Community Welfare Officer at your local Health Centre. They can make once-off "emergency" payments. Also, the Vincent de Paul might be useful if you contatced them. I think there are sites too for free furniture. Google them on AAM and you might come up with other ways of furnishing your new home!
Persons working over 30 hours per week do not qualify for Supplementary Welfare Allowance, so you may not qualify for a payment from the Community Welfare Officer.
Best of luck with your new home and hopefully you will be entitled to something from the community welfare office, however it might be worth your while looking up, (go to the free trade link). These are sites set up to help those getting rid of stuff and those looking for it and thus avoid sending stuff to landfill. is a great site, very easy to use and some excellent stuff comes up there, you just need to watch it carefully. Again congrats on your new home.