Singapore travel - vaccinations needed?



I'm spending one night in Singapore on the way to Australia. Will I need vaccinations for Hepatitis, Yellow Fever and TB?
Most websites I've seen say that a vaccination is sometimes needed.
On the way back I'm travelling through Bangkok (no stopover). Do you need to get a visa (or vaccinations) when you're just travelling through and not actually leaving the airport?
Have a look at the vhi website:
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I don't believe you need a visa if you're Irish visiting Thailand as a tourist for fewer than 30 days.
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I've been to Singapore twice.

Once with work for a week and didn't get any vaccinations etc - the company I worked for had an office there and as far as I recall no one who travelled there on short trips ever got vaccinations.

On the other occasion, it was part of longer trip which included India and South East Asia, so I did have hep A and B vaccinations, but not TB or yellow fever.

If it was me, I wouldn't bother.
Why don't you check with the Tropical Medicine Bureau and see what they advise? (No affiliation by the way).
You might better off getting professional advise on this one,as it's dodgy business travelling un-vaccinated,
Happy travelling!
If just staying in sinapore no vaccinations would needed - singapore very clean and modern. Coming back, if only touching down in Bangkok wouldn't need any vaccinations - would really only need them in Thailand if travelling outside of Bangkog
Wouldn't bother with them - Singapore is as modern as Ire - its a major city, and in one night it would be very surprising if you picked up anything, I travelled thro Seoul this yr for one night and have to say it never even crossed my mind to get any shots - too cheap prob to pay for them anyways!!!!
you should be ok for singapore-its an amazing city...and the food!! oh god.
Bangkok is a different kettle of fish tho. get your shots and sleep under a mozzie net.

Enjoy...luky you!!