Since d/l windows xp updates cant boot up


Registered User
During Sunday last, my PC d/l a series of Microsoft updates, and requested a restart.

Since then however, as soon as the window with XP opens it goes to black screen beeps and closes down.

It allows f2 and f11 prompts, but not f8, cant get to safe mode.

Was able to change boot order and tried booting form the xp disk no avail

Disconnected everything except kb/mon/mm. no avail
The wireless internet connection to my laptop is still up, the PC is hardwired to the modem.

any ideas? gut feeling is corrupted OS but whats the soloution?

One idea is :-
If you have access to another XP installation then perhaps you can create a Bart PE disk off this operating system. Bart PE is a Windows XP Emulator on CD which runs a cut down version of the XP operating system. It should help you run some diagnostics on the machine. You need to be sure you aren't breaching the Windows End User Licence Agreement. I sorted out a neighbour's "blue screen of death" using this approach.

If you get access to the internet using Bart PE it might help you then download the Windows Recovery Console, which would hopefully be available the next time you have boot problems.

Try running chkdsk /r using Bart PE and work from there.
Huge Thanks to you Gearoid,
Was able to reset boot order to cd first.
D/l and burned the Bart PE you suggested
booted to a version of xp and explorer
copied c drive to d drive
reformated c drive
re-installed xp pro
copied c drive back up back on to clean c drive
had difficulty finding and restoring emails messages
didnt find email account settings but have them on lap top
difficulty reinstalling office 2000
had to go back to 97, but its working fine
took most of sunday afternoon, but beats dragging box to a pc repair shop.
amazingly didnt lose internet modem at all.

Tks again