Simple Will, is there a probate period ?


Registered User
My father passed away there recently, my mother died 6 years ago. There are 2 sisters and myself left and we are joint executrices of the will. Everything is split 3 ways. A very simple will but fair. Our question is " how long do we have to wait before the will is settled ? " is the probate period as long for such a straight forward will.
Who is dealing with the estate? Are there substantial assets? Is there a property to be dealt with?

If assets are insubstantial, you may not need a Grant of Probate. If you need a Grant of Probate, see below.

Have you appointed a solicitor? if yes, all the assets have been identitified and you are ready to meet the solicitor, swear the Inland Revenue Affidavit etc.,etc, you are looking at an approximate timeline of 16-20 weeks in the main Probate Office.

If you are proposing to deal with Probate yourself, I don't know the timelines but they will be longer than above.

Thanks for your quick reply.
We have the family solicitor who is looking after the affairs. There is a house, car, 100k house contents all split 3 ways.
26 weeks for (Dublin) probate office as of early September for personal applicant.
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Between 16-20 weeks based on the earlier post. It also costs more, your call.