Just as an aside in relation to the car market, I'm looking to buy at the moment and I rang one garage yesterday about an 04 car which is an older model in it's range but something I'm very interested in and expressed this. Car was due to be NCT'd in May and it has not been done, and they weren't willing to get it done. Sales man said it must not have been done by person who traded it in. I know for a fact it is a garage car and had never been sold by the garage. I am a cash buyer and asked what was best price, he said it's like Dunnes Stores the price is on the net as is and you pay what you see. Best price was advertised price. I couldn't believe it. I had asked him some other technical questions and he hadn't a clue. I won't be buying or going near that garage again. They obviously aren't hard up ( main dealers in Dublin).