SIMI dealer - no warranty on 02 car - normal?


Registered User
As the title says, is this unusual and should I be suspicious? NCT 2010.

I've never heard of absolutely no warranty at all.
I would say its normal but I still think he has a responcibility to sell you a road worthy car. NCT until 10 is not to bad.
I would say its normal but I still think he has a responcibility to sell you a road worthy car. NCT until 10 is not to bad.

I wouldn't say it was normal but does happen - however, D1983 has the right attitude if the dealer won't stand over the car for six months you have to wonder why.

If the dealer isn't offering a warranty then it is practically the same as buying privately so caveat emptor (or should that be Caveat caveat emptor ??)
Thanks all.

All sounds sensible alright - I just thought that with them being an SIMI dealer they would be much less likely to sell you a lemon. Or does being an SIMI dealer count for anything really?
Road worthy and not likely to break down (perhaps spectacularly) are two very different things.

According to a visionary on here all used cars have an automatic 2 year warranty

p.s. Walk away, or establish exactly why dealer isn't prepared to offer a warranty.
OK, spoke to garage and they are quite upfront about it - simply stating that they tend not to provide warranties for cars over 5 years old.

They say that instead, all their cars have long NCTs and they are open to any independent inspection.

Maybe I'll bring a mechanically minded mate to have a look?
OK, spoke to garage and they are quite upfront about it - simply stating that they tend not to provide warranties for cars over 5 years old.

Because cars more than 5 years old tend to have more breakdowns as the mileage increases and they don't want the cost - they want you to bear it.

If you buy, buy on the basis of a private sale and price accordingly, or, given the state of the car market at the moment tell him to offer a warranty or you'll walk.

BTW I have bought cars older than 5 years from SIMI dealers and received a warranty; 6 months was the normal period.
having a long NTC dose not mean the car wont break down! i think they are being a bit unreasonable with you........espically at a time when used cars are getting hard to sell.
More and more dealers are this kinda crap.It shouldn't be allowed or is it even?
If he's not going to give you a warranty then ask him will you be getting it at trade price!? i bet not
As others have said unless you know what you are doing and are getting a bargain spend your money elsewhere.
Previously I have bought a 9 year old jeep with a six month warranty and a 6 year old jeep with 12 months warranty. I would take my money elsewhere. This car has a history of problems and they want rid off it full stop.
I dont think you'd have the user name "Caveat" ( as in Caveat emptor I assume) for nothing!!
Its a good price - which maybe reflects the lack of warranty.

My head is telling me no - but as I said, good price/mileage and a knowledgeable mate to inspect is pushing me a bit.

I have others to look at in the same price range but with higher mileage - don't know about warranties offered on these yet, so will check.
think of it this way...what they are saying is"we are selling you a car with a long NTC,but even though it has a long NTC,we are not prepared to expose ourselves to the risk of it breaking down as it is over 5 years old!! we want YOU to take that risk instead! " plenty of garages offer warranties on cars over 5 years old, i thought all garages had to give minium warranty on any used, unless it is a "trade sale" ask if its a trade sale...if so offer a trade about a third off.
Same car & year, different garage, higher mileage, same price - 3 month warranty.

Maybe a better idea - and maybe I can get him to increase to 6 months.

Thanks all.
The This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language has fallen out of the 2nd hand market. Heard of some dealers refusing to accept trade-ins of certain cars for new cars due to not being able to shift their used stock. They will accept trading in 2nd hand for 2nd hand though at a minimum.

If you look on carzone and other sites you will see that its a buyers market!! I would say have a good look for similar models around the country, (maybe even newer in age) and factor in that you can get a hefty discount for buying a 2nd hand car if you don't have a trade in.(Not sure of your position ? you trading in???)

So if you have doubts then just have a good look around or wait a while (not sure of your position as for time but its not going to turn into a sellers market anytime soon! if in doubt bide your time!!)
Hi Darando

No, not trading in - cash sale. Time wise, I kind of need to buy in the next week really.

If the car (as per my last post) checks out OK, think I'll push for increased warranty and between 5 & 10% off advertised.

I'll let you know what happens.
You are in a great position if you have no trade in!! haggle hard and I mean hard!! Think more of 10% if not more. Just don't show your hand that you think that this car is "the one"!!! few other gargaes to call, loads of the same model on carzone etc...better spec elsewhere blah blah . 10% minimum - as I said dealers have too many 2nd hand cars to sell.

Just as matter of interest what is the make/model/approx price of the car?? (PM if you want)
I know a guy today who offered seven grand for a car priced at 8690 and it was accepted, also three months engine gearbox warrenty. So as darando says haggle hard.
Just as an aside in relation to the car market, I'm looking to buy at the moment and I rang one garage yesterday about an 04 car which is an older model in it's range but something I'm very interested in and expressed this. Car was due to be NCT'd in May and it has not been done, and they weren't willing to get it done. Sales man said it must not have been done by person who traded it in. I know for a fact it is a garage car and had never been sold by the garage. I am a cash buyer and asked what was best price, he said it's like Dunnes Stores the price is on the net as is and you pay what you see. Best price was advertised price. I couldn't believe it. I had asked him some other technical questions and he hadn't a clue. I won't be buying or going near that garage again. They obviously aren't hard up ( main dealers in Dublin).