Silent investor opportunities


Registered User
Does anyone know if there is a platform for silent/partial investor opportunities in Ireland? In ideal world I'd quit my job (that I hate) and invest in a McDonalds.... a bridge too far. Are there any mechanisms for multi business investment or risk spreading. Example I think a McDonalds franchice might require an investment of €200/250k more (?) and profiles of franchisees I've ever seen seem to be individual investors not consortium investors.
Hell of a lot more involved in a McDonald's franchise than money and have a nice day.
Hell of a lot more involved in a McDonald's franchise than money and have a nice day.
Er yes I know that was a simple example , there are pure silent investor opportunities cash only and cash/experience, thanks for your helpful input !
Not sure if you are the investor that wishes to invest in something and remain in the background (plenty of opportunity) or if you wish to create a business and have a silent investor behind it providing much of the finance.