Signwriters who can’t spell

Vanilla said:
'The Case is Altered'. Eventually I had to find out why, so one day I stopped there for a drink and asked, but the barmaid could only tell me that the owner had worked in a pub in London of the same name. Anyone the wiser?
It seems to be the title of an old sci-fi novel...
Aaah, that must be it. Hhhmm, had hoped for an interesting story, maybe I should try to read the play. Or the novel. Thanks.
There was a butchers sign on Camden Street saying "Morrisseys Butchers Daughters & Sons" always gave us a good giggle until they changed it recently to "Morrisseys Family Butchers"
You know those big signs they put up around new road projects eg Xtown Bypass, funded by European blah, blah blah, Bloggs and Soap construction etc etc.

Well, my favourite has to be the one on the N7 just south of Roscrea - it says........ I kid you not.......

N7 Inane Realignment

Actually I thought it was quite a sensible idea to straighten out the road
Local newsagent has an enormous floor to ceiling display of cigarettes - which these days have a series of dire warnings of the consequences of smoking - "smokers die younger", "smoking can seriously damage your health" in nice big black letters.....above which (in case you didn't get the message) is a hand-written notice advising that they have "Mass Cards For Sale"

In a similar vein,in Roscommon, the local hospital is sitauted right beside the graveyard!Hardly confidence inspiring..!

Update from my original post.
To be fair to the Artisan bakery I can now report that I've seen either another 06 D van or the original one in Dublin again this week.

Parked outside Buswell's Hotel it proudly advertised their Desserts - no longer Deserts.

Hurray for us - clearly they read this and remedied situation.
From memory- Punch's pub at Punch's Cross in Limerick City had the word "Desert" painted in one of the (permanent) signs in the carvery/ lounge section.
Apparently premises do have problems trying to hold onto their signage leaving some looking funny. But I did hear one good story.

3am on a busy Saturday night, a young guys gets by the cops. He was running up and down the stree with two letters from shop fronts in his hand shouting 'I took two e's, I took two e's '.

I wonder did he get done on disturbing the peace, criminal damage or something more ?!?!
Debenhams in Mahon Point Cork is open till 9pm.
The sign is as big as the side of a 40-ft container and faces the motorway.
No shame.