Signs too much time on hands


Registered User
I came up with one today - why is there a light in your fridge when you open the door but not one in your freezer?
Yea, that's a bit like "What is an occasional table the rest of the time?"
I'm pretty sure there is a light in my freezer. I'll check it out tonight and report back.

Bought it during the Celtic Tiger so it's fairly high-falutin
I'm pretty sure there is a light in my freezer. I'll check it out tonight and report back.

Bought it during the Celtic Tiger so it's fairly high-falutin
That's just crazy! You should take out the bulb in case the neighbours find out and become jealous.
No light in mine either. Obviously not posh enough!

But seriously it wouldn't make much sense to have a light.

Just think about it.

Say for the likes of Nigella to be rooting around in a freezer in her night gown, what purpose would it serve?

You can't eat stuff directly from the freezer and look good eating it as she does from the illumination of the fridge light.!

She sure loves her cream:)

what's a little aberration in ones life?

Team Nigella here

I won't hear a bad word said about that woman.the fact that even in the photos of her looking stressed and tired she's still utterly gorgeous has nothing to do with it. :D
When you spend more than five minutes wondering how they get the paint so incredibly smoothly applied to the door of 10 Downing st.
After the IRA mortar attack in 1991, the original black oak door was replaced by a blast-proof steel one. Regularly removed for refurbishment and replaced with a replica, it is so heavy that it takes eight men to lift it.

Ok its made of steel so that explains it...
Finally persuaded the wife to check the freezer and it does indeed have a light. She wouldn't let me shut her in to see if the light goes off when the door closes but I presume it does.
Finally persuaded the wife to check the freezer and it does indeed have a light. She wouldn't let me shut her in to see if the light goes off when the door closes but I presume it does.

Lol :D
Finally persuaded the wife to check the freezer and it does indeed have a light. She wouldn't let me shut her in to see if the light goes off when the door closes but I presume it does.

I think you need to find a convenient small child, they're more likely to fit.