Signs in Polish

jasconius said:
Let's get a few things straight here. Since when were Poland and Russia in the 'Balkan states'?
Would it be the case that most citizens of both the Baltic and Balkan states would have a working knowledge of Russian or is that diminishing in the younger generations nowadays?
ClubMan said:
Would it be the case that most citizens of both the Baltic and Balkan states would have a working knowledge of Russian or is that diminishing in the younger generations nowadays?
That was exactly my point ClubMan - although I had intended to use the word Baltic instead of Balkan!

I'm well aware that Poland and Russia are not in the Baltic states and I didn't infer that they were. Russian could be used on signs as, in my understanding, Latvians, Lithuanians and Estonians do indeed have a working knowledge of this language. The few Poles that I have come into contact with also speak good Russian.
No need for the 'when I went to school' sacarasm and certainly no need to post twice to hammer the point home!
If you go back far enough I think you will find that Lithuania was part of greater Poland at one stage.