Signing on for credits??



Hi, I am pregnant with number two and I am thinking of staying at home for a few years, due to the cost of childcare. I have about 18 years of almost continuous employment behind me and I am worried about losing my PRSI entitlements (future maternity leave, pension concerns etc) if I take 4-5 years out of work. Can anyone explain "signing on for credits" to me? I am not looking for any payment or benefit as I won't be looking for work, I just want to protect myself after working for such a long time. My info (probably wrong) is that my credits will only cover me for the next 2 years or so.

Thanks for any advice.

You won't get credits when you're unemployed but not genuinely seeking full-time work, capable of work and available for work.

Any future short-term payments like Maternity Benefit may be affected. One of the conditions for Maternity Benefit is that you have be employed/self-employed up to the day your Maternity Leave starts

As regards future State Pension entitlements, time spent caring for children (up to age 12) can be disregarded when calculating your PRSI record under the Homemaker's Scheme.

Hope this helps
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