significant vandalism in this block and adjacent empty blocks: Selling AH apt?


Registered User
How long does it take these days to sell an affordable apartment?

What if the value has fallen sharply due to significant vandalism in this block and adjacent empty blocks e.g. it may not be sellable? What if you wanted to sell or move due to this vandalism and perhaps for your own safety, but no one would buy it, for any price - what are your options?

Vandalism was there previously, the council should have known about it, but it only became very apparent after closure.

Apartment only closed first week in December 2008.

Any advice recommended.
Re: Vandalism

AKA, I would imagine you will have quite a battle on your hands. If an area becomes known for trouble, locals will certainly not touch it, unless they are the type of family who instigates this crap.

Your best bet might be an outsider looking for a startup home, who hasnt researched a place and may not know about its history.

I don't think you have options, you will probably have to sell at a loss just to get out of the place. Good luck.