Mind you I am looking at the OP's post and just wondering : can you really really really honestly look at houses, work out budgets, organise a mortgage and still allow yourself to believe that there is a way around the f.t.b. /non f.t.b situation? Are people really that unaware? Do they genuinely not ask the right questions? Do they not understand stamp duty? Or do they choose to believe whatever glad hander tells them nice soothing stuff?
I have a sickening feeling that the answer is yes! And people wonder how solicitors make any money? I seem to spend large portions of my time dealing with naive f.t.b.'s who will not concern themselves with reality, who want everything done yesterday, at little or no cost to themselves, who will not listen to advice and then want out ( and someone to blame) when what you've told them turns out to be true?
I give up and I'm going home. Humbug!
I think you were having a bad day.