Side entrance cover


Registered User
I have a decent width side entrance around 6-7ft wide and instead of getting a garden shed it occured to me that if I could cover the side entrance I'd have a fairly big shed without taking up garden space.
Around a month ago I saw ads for porch like covers that look like they could do the job but I can't remember what the maker's website was or what they were called to help me google.
Has anyone done anything similar or know of anyone who has, I'm not talking of actually building a shed into my side entrance, these covers were wall mounted and would simply meet with the side entrance wall providing basic cover from the elements for bikes, lawn mowers etc.
I think I might have seen something like this mentioned in You could have a look there and try registering to see if they show previous ads.

Another option might be the free City Ads booklet available at most supermarkets.