Shower Hose Question


Registered User
Hi there. We recently moved into a new house and as my mother would say, "we haven't the price of our supper" because of it. The bath taps work fine when I have the hot and cold on and it retains the correct tempeture, but when I pull up the nozzle to get the shower hose to work, the water is icy and it will not carry or filter out any hot water, so needless to say we use the bath. This is a pain in the mornings, as there are two of us. We cannot at the moment afford a plumber and I bought a shower hose in Atlantic homecare and it wont work either. I am more DIY than himself. Anyone got any ideas, what is wrong and how I could fix it myself. Sorry for a stupid question but any help much appreciated with thanks.
What's the pressure like on the hot water directly from the tap? Many of these mixer attachments cause a noticable drop in pressure themselves, so with that and the fact that you're using it at a greater height, the pressure from the shower head can be pretty miserable.