Shower getting colder


Registered User
I had an electric shower installed when I first got my house just over 2 years ago. It's a Mira Elite 2. When I first used it, I had it set to about the 4th mark. At the moment, it's on the 6th mark before I get a comfortable shower. There's a lot more marks so I'm not too worried in that regard, but I am perturbed by the apparent loss in efficiency from the shower over 2 years. Is this just the way things are?
Fluctuations in water pressure mean that I have the shower set on a higher temperture in the winter than I do in the summer - this may be the same with you or it could be that the pipes are furred up. Is your water very hard?
Also electric showers (unless you have a hi-tech one) only heat by X number of degrees, so as your input water is colder in winter you have to turn it up to get the same output.

Your basic shower has controls for:

Cold, Low, Mid, Hot: These turn on zero, one, two or three elements in the Heater unit.

Numbered dial: This controls the ratio mix between cold water and heated water. So you turn up the dial to get more hot water.

If it is not getting hot enough it is possible you have an failed element or the furring up (hard water areas). The KW rating of the shower is also an important factor as well.
It's a dial system, and I'm not even up to 1/3 of the way to the top, so there's plenty more space.

I like the fact that it just might be taking longer to heat really really cold water, although I don't think I noticed it last year.

I'm just concerned that it's indicative of something more serious in my pipework:
an failed element or the furring up
How would I check for this sort of thing? Are there any other symptoms or do I need to get a plumber out to bang on my pipes for a while and charge me 350 sods?
you might have a build up of limescale in your pipes which will eventually affect central heating,dishwasher,etc.does your electric kettle have any limescale?