Show today on Radio I heard Public sector worker claining workload doubled


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A public sector worker emailed his show today stating that his workload has increased 100% since new governement in, I wonder what was he doing for the rest of the times under previous governments, Take it he works 39hr week which is high side for public workers, So does this mean he used to have 20 odd hrs doing nothing at all or has he now become a super human worker who now works 78 hr a week:D,

It just shows the efficiencey that goes on in the publice sector, now they are starting to be more efficient and have to be told this fact is truely unbelieveable , I remember my first job for a Multinational company in 1991 and they where always seeking to improve and would invlove staff to come up with new idea and if a good idea was efficient then a reward of meal for 2 would be awarded to the person(nice touch).
It's more likely that colleagues have retired and not been replaced and the workload re-distributed amongst him and his remaining colleagues. This leads to delays in services being provided, stress and lower motivation amongst remaining public servants.
Not back seat modding, but is there a question here or is it just ranting and better off in letting off steam? along with the dozens of other anti-public sector rants?
He said his workload had doubled and not that he was actually 'doing' the work. My boss could double my workload tomorrow but it wouldnt be done as I already have a full workload.

As earlier poster said, this is not uncommon in public service at the moment.
I work in the public service and know a lot of people whose workload has increased significantly because of the embargo on recruitment. They are not now doing a normal days work, they are actually doing loads of extra hours and are knackered. Some of them have accumulated loads of extra hours on the flexi clock which they cannot take; others are not on flexi time, are not entitled to be paid overtime and are just putting in manyextra hours for the same salary.
I think Dodo's post has interpreted the person's comments very selectively and their post is a bit silly and provocative.

Hi Liaconn,

I well believe it. I think it's a direct result of CPA to be honest. Maintaining current salary levels in return for voluntary redundancies. More work for the same pay, rather than the same amount for work for less pay. I'd expect this to continue by the way. You might be OK in the pocket, but you might be wrecked in the head and the customer suffers too..