Shoulder/back problems


Registered User
Happy New year to all,

Just wondering about peoples experiences of shoulder injuries. I am a kayaker and I'm having a spot of bother at the moment. Havent been on the water since early october and have been more or less totally inactive since then which is driving me potty.

Begun with very infrequent pain in my upper arm, never really bothered me. Couple of months later I woke one night after a weekend of kayaking with a pain from my shoulder to my hand.
Was referred to a physio by a company doctor who treated me but made no real difference. Have seen a chripractor lately and hasnt done a whole lot for me either. Basically the pain down the arm and around the back of my shoulder blade remains on and off but with absolutely no movement restriction. Have developed more back pain and pain down into leg now but am convinved this is due to inactivity more than anything else.
Yesterday I finally saw my own doctor rather than the useless company doctor. He as said that it appears to him that I may have sprained/strained my AC joint and it hasnt healed, he gave me a Steriod injection to try and fix it.

Anyway apologies for the long winded message just wondering have people had similar injuries?

Could it be repetitive strain? This usually creeps up very slowly and then eventually hits big time. And because it has been strained for a while it starts affecting other areas as muscles get pulled constantly. Maybe you should try an Alexander practitioner, they focus on posture and use of limbs etc and you have to learn how to use your body correctly. Don't rely on steroid injections, they only mask the problem.
Oh, and the body doesn't usually hurt from inactivity, so don't go out there trying to "work it away", because that will probably make your problems worse.

Good luck.
Hi Munsterman,
Sorry to hear about your predicament. I'm not a doctor nor am I in a position to offer any other medical or medical type help. But your description of your early symptoms struck a chord with me.
A couple of months ago I developed an ache in my arm, not overly painful nor restrictive except when my arm was raised above shoulder height. I put this down to the aftermath of an energetic couple of days removing wallpaper, washing walls and applying paint at the time. I rested my arm and expected the problem to rectify itself in a few days.
However, the problem is still with me, niggling away. I haven't done any painting or the like since, nor would I feel able. I wouldn't feel my arm could cope without aggravating the situation. Raising my arm above shoulder height or backwards from shoulder height is as difficult as day one and leaning on my arm or shoulder can be uncertain because of a leftover slight weakness.
To date I have not sought any "professional" advice or treatment. It occurs to me that the problem might be neurological rather than muscular or skeletal and I wonder if this might be the same in your case? I mean, some nerve damage as opposed to a pulled muscle ir sprain, etc?
As I said, I have no medical background but offer this suggestion for your consideration.
Most of all, I hope you get the problem rectified before too long.
Regards, Ash
Ash, could your problem be a frozen shoulder? You could test it by holding your arm straight out(to the front) at shoulder level and getting your nearest & dearest to raise your hand further. If you finish up on your knees then you are likely to have a frozen shoulder.

If this does turn out to be the case, then you could try using a cord slung over a bar to pull your arm into a vertical position using your other hand.

i.e. If it's your right shoulder hold one end of the cord in your right hand and pull with your left hand until your arm is vertical. It won't work immediately so be patient.

Good Luck


I injured myself while kayaking on the Boyne - was stuck in a stopper at the Diagonal. Paddle got stuck to the weir while I went over into the face of the weir - and ripped my shoulder upwards - I think I pulled the tendon in my shoulder - Cos the next day I could only move my arm sideways from my body about an inch. took months to recover - But after about 6-8 months I think its fully healed -though not as flexible in my arm as I was before - Its an easy injury in the tendon that joins the shoulder muscle to the upper arm. It can just take time!
My favorite online site for (resolving, not inflicting) injuries is the [broken link removed]. You may find something there to aid in diagnosis.
Hi Munsterman,

I have a recurring partial dislocation in my right shoulder which causes pain down my arm particularly on the fat part below my elbow joint. I have been to a physio who said the pain was caused by nerve damage when the shoulder goes out. It sounds like you have a similar nerve problems.
I would recommend going to a physio. I know you didn't have a good experience the first time but some (like all professions) are better than others.
I would highly recommend my physio - he is very hands on and gets right into the source of pain. He is in Limerick but by your user name there is a chance that this is near where you are based. Let me know if you're interested.
Sol 28, thanks, check out this particular site . It may be of interest to you. Actually sounds similar to my problem too.

Only weird thind is the fact I have some back pain now too. Mite be realted.

CREA. Definetly intereested. What are his details



I am very uneasy about analysing medical conditions over the internet, especially Askaboutmoney. See a physio or a doctor.

Hi Munsterman,

I know a guy around Limerick, who worked wonders for my back, but he's not your conventional type of guy. Let me know if you're interested and I send you his details.
Petal said:
I know a guy around Limerick, who worked wonders for my back, but he's not your conventional type of guy.
What do you mean "not your conventional type of guy"? What does he do and does it have any rational, scientific basis?