The Rent to Buy schemes are nothing but a scam. You agree a price now for something you might buy in 3 years time, its a falling market and i would not be surprised if the market was still dropping in 2011/2012, drops might be smaller per year, but still dropping.
With this scheme you pay more rent than the market average and all the money you pay does not go to the deposit, only a percentage.
The rent market is dropping also, so in 1-2 years time you could be paying considerable more rent than a similar property next door and you will not have an option to negotiate the amount down.
Then in 3 years time you will be given the option of buying the house at 2009 level, which will be higher than the house for sale next door.
So 3 years time, you've paid more money than you would have if you just rented and if you dont buy the house you still have no savings.
Best advice is rent now, save a deposit and buy when the time is right not when some scam is up. If you were trying to buy these house now you could get a seizable discount off the price, with this you dont get any discount. Also banks valuations are coming in lower for house bought maybe only a couple of months ago, do you think you will get a mortgage in 2011 for a 2009 price, i dont think so. The developers in this scheme dont really care if you buy the house by then, you have already paid a sizable amount of their loan and got them trough the worst of the ressession. What happens if the developer goes bust between now and then?
The developers who have come up with this scam must be laughing at people gullible enough to take it up.