Should we stick with PTSB Tracker if we pay off a lump sum or fix at 3% with PTSB


Registered User
Personal details

Age: 49
Spouse’s/Partner's age: 55
Number and age of children: We have three: 1. 17 years 2. 15 years 3. 12 years

Income and expenditure
Annual gross income from employment or profession: 107,000 Public sector
Annual gross income of spouse: approx €25 to €30 K Self employed in Construction
Monthly take-home pay approx €6,000
Type of employment: e.g. Civil Servant, self-employed Me Public Sector; Spouse Self Employed

In general are you:
(a) spending more than you earn, or
(b) saving? Saving

Summary of Assets and Liabilities
Family home worth €350,000 with €72,000 Mortgage
€85,000 in State savings ( in year one of 4 year term)
€40,000 approx in Bank Of Ireland Life (evergreen type fund) Contributing approx €260 pm
€1000 in credit union ( recently spent about 50,000 on home improvements from savings and small CU loan which I recently paid off)

Family home mortgage information
Lender PTSB
Interest rate ECB Rate + 1.68 %
If fixed, what is the term remaining of the fixed rate?

(No need to tell us the monthly repayments or what term is left)

Other borrowings – car loans/personal loans etc: None

Do you pay off your full credit card balance each month? Yes
If not, what is the balance on your credit card?

Other savings and investments:
Do you have a pension scheme?
Me: I have public sector pension, should have close to the 40 years Also paying AVC of 140 pw ( in case want to retire earlier) Hoping to buy back NI from time in UK ( 8years currently on pension forecast)
Husband has a private pension in UK but only about 30K sterling in t He will have a UK pension ( has 24 years pension forecast applied to buy back more) and hopefully will have full Irish pension or close to

Do you own any investment or other property? No

Other information which might be relevant
Life insurance: I have through work and also through an income protection policy at work through cornmarket. Also paying approx 60 pm for joint lives and we pay approx €30 pm on mortgage protection

What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?

We have a tracker Mortgage as outlined above. We had decided to fix it but now wondering if we should transfer some savings ( €30000) into it to reduce it a little, and if we do should we hold onto tracker or still fix
Maybe use 15,000 from Bank of Ireland fund ( this was for college, both older children now want to go to college near home, one starting in September)

We have a dream of buying a property in Spain in the longer term to be able to spend time there in the future when we retire and were reluctant to use the savings

Appreciate any comments
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€72,000 Mortgage
€85,000 in State savings ( in year one of 4 year term)
€40,000 approx in Bank Of Ireland Life (evergreen type fund) Contributing approx €260 pm

After paying off your mortgage, you will have €53k in savings.
You will have no further mortgage repayments so will be able to build up your savings again.

It seems very clear that you should clear your mortgage in full.
