Age: 41
Spouse’s age: 52
Annual gross income from employment: 47k
Annual gross income of spouse: 65k
Monthly take-home pay:6188 total
Type of employment: civil servants
In general we have been spending more than saving but have been able to start saving 800 monthly in the last yr & are restructuring our current spending to overpay CU loan & increase savings.
home: vr 4.55%, 192k mortgage on 210k value, 20 yrs left, monthly repayments 1255euro
buy-to -let (A): ecb +1.15%, 236k mortgage on 110k value, 25 yrs left, monthly repayments 886euro
buy-to-let (B): svr 4.49%, 57k mortgage on 190K value, 15 yrs left, monthly repayments 426euro
Monthly rental income: 1180euro
Buy-to-let properties are currently costing 300 monthly, taking into consideration LPT, house insurance etc but not including upkeep of property & irregular spending renting can incur.
Have been in recent contact with bank requesting reduced interest rate for home mortgage & have been offered 1 yr fixed @ 3.7% & offers of other higher rates for fixing for more than 1 yr.
CU loan: 14k, monthly repayments 374, 3 yrs remaining
Savings: 15k
No credit card spending or overdraft
Do we have a pension scheme? Yes, but I will have to make contributions to top up pension
Age of child: 14
Life insurance: yes
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
We are planning on fixing home mortgage for 1yr but would like advice on whether or not to fix it for longer.
We are unsure what to do with 2 buy to let properties.
Do we sell buy-to-let B and pay off some of home mortgage.
Or sell buy-to-let A & B and pay off whatever shortfall is left & continue with home mortgage as it is.
With continued rental income we are in a position to hold onto buy-to-let properties but would like to reduce home mortgage also, so are the buy to let properties a worthy investment to hold onto long term or do we have other options?
Spouse’s age: 52
Annual gross income from employment: 47k
Annual gross income of spouse: 65k
Monthly take-home pay:6188 total
Type of employment: civil servants
In general we have been spending more than saving but have been able to start saving 800 monthly in the last yr & are restructuring our current spending to overpay CU loan & increase savings.
home: vr 4.55%, 192k mortgage on 210k value, 20 yrs left, monthly repayments 1255euro
buy-to -let (A): ecb +1.15%, 236k mortgage on 110k value, 25 yrs left, monthly repayments 886euro
buy-to-let (B): svr 4.49%, 57k mortgage on 190K value, 15 yrs left, monthly repayments 426euro
Monthly rental income: 1180euro
Buy-to-let properties are currently costing 300 monthly, taking into consideration LPT, house insurance etc but not including upkeep of property & irregular spending renting can incur.
Have been in recent contact with bank requesting reduced interest rate for home mortgage & have been offered 1 yr fixed @ 3.7% & offers of other higher rates for fixing for more than 1 yr.
CU loan: 14k, monthly repayments 374, 3 yrs remaining
Savings: 15k
No credit card spending or overdraft
Do we have a pension scheme? Yes, but I will have to make contributions to top up pension
Age of child: 14
Life insurance: yes
What specific question do you have or what issues are of concern to you?
We are planning on fixing home mortgage for 1yr but would like advice on whether or not to fix it for longer.
We are unsure what to do with 2 buy to let properties.
Do we sell buy-to-let B and pay off some of home mortgage.
Or sell buy-to-let A & B and pay off whatever shortfall is left & continue with home mortgage as it is.
With continued rental income we are in a position to hold onto buy-to-let properties but would like to reduce home mortgage also, so are the buy to let properties a worthy investment to hold onto long term or do we have other options?