Should we get rid of democracy?

We would have an auditor to do this. All spending made public each and every year.

Right down to the last penny.
We would have an auditor to do this. All spending made public each and every year.

Right down to the last penny.

Do you want to rant, or do you want to deal with the facts? I have already told you that we have a constitutional officer for that very purpose.
It's easy to say, let's get rid of democracy, the challenge is to come up with an alternative practical method of running a nation. A monarchy, in which some inbred born with a silver spoon has control, a dictatorship, (Hitler, Stalin, need I say more?), a theocracy like Iran?

Well I think we should give the lottery idea a go. Also won't it be great for diversity and multi-ethnicity?
Well I think we should give the lottery idea a go. Also won't it be great for diversity and multi-ethnicity?

and how would you run the lottery? who would decide whose name was in there,? would you be able to take leave of absence from your job if you were selected? (all the time retaining the right to go back there when your time is up, similer to teacher-TDs). Would they get a pay off when finished(similer to current Tds). What incentive is there for them to do a good job if they don't have to take the risk of re-election?

We would select the people fromthe same list as we do juries. If people are selected they would have the choice wether they want the position or not.

Yes, we would allow people to return to their old jobs after 4 years. But they would be no pay off.

The problem as I see it that they are too many people running for the Dail who are simply not up to the job. They are in it for themselves so too speak. Most of them are clueless, and I don't care how well educated they are, it means nothing if you can't use your head which most of our TD's do not.

They're plenty of folk out there, that are in touch with reality, have their feet firmly planted on the ground and would give it their all.

The system I propose would get rid of corruption or at least narrow it down, save the country millions in expenses and give the ordinary person a greated say in how the country is run.
alternatively if you got selected ivia lotery it could encourage you to screw as much out of the system in the 4 years you were in there knowing full well that you would not have to face the public and be re-elected
Isn't that what alot of our politicians are doing?

If you do screw up and milk the system well then you will be held accountable under Irish law. Look what's happening in the UIK were there is actually talk of charges being brought against MP's.

The problem that we have in this country, is that we complain about our politicians and then turn a blind eye to it all and just move along.

That will have to change, big time.
There are a few people on this thread who,because of the posts they have made who will,after the revolution, will not even be included in the lottery.You know who you are

Thank you for that point Mick1960.that brings my next question,how do you filter out people undiagnosed paranoid socio pathic with disillusions mental health problems from winnin
g the Lottery and being put in charge of any department that could harm thousands if not millions of people. It can not be done with the present vetting system and if we vet the lottery PM s who does the vetting? or or do we vote on it?how do we vote?and if we vet who will vet the vetters?will it cost money?

Maybe people will vote different next time?

We won't have any filtering . How do we filter our politicians as it is now? And so what if some one has a mental health problem, that doesn't make them any lesser than the next person.

We won't have any votes. Just select 80 people from the hat (166 is too many anyways) and let them get on with the job of running the country.

So is your issue with democracy or is your issue with the fact that we have a lack of accountability in Irish politics?
So is your issue with democracy or is your issue with the fact that we have a lack of accountability in Irish politics?

Both. Lets dismantle the political class that now quite clearly are the new aristocracy is this country.

Everything they touch they poison.
80 people who are chosen at random with no experience to replace 166 others with experience,I think that this should first have a trial run starting
at the Hospitals.
80 people who are chosen at random with no experience to replace 166 others with experience,I think that this should first have a trial run starting
at the Hospitals.

Oh my gosh! What sort a person are you?

The same people who haven't a clue about how to run our country with all their 'education' and 'experience'.

What a disaster they've caused.

I guess, I better bough down in front of these university graduates., these politicians, these dynasties, Oh ye masters.

When are you going to start thinking for yourself?