Should the state help defray childcare costs?

No, I don't mean a scheme like that. I mean a genuine tax free allowance allocated to the parents tax free alowances for each child while they are dependants.
I presume you mean tax credits now that tax free allowances are a thing of the past for several years now?
The French model of State sponsored "garderie" (after school and holiday care) and subsidised creches is one from which I feel we could learn a lot. Parents are means tested, those on top dollar pay full price down to those on minimum wage who pay a nominal fee. It might also help competition in the private sector and thus benefit parents also. We have gone through creches, chilminders etc.. and in the end I decided to give up working not for financial reasons but for the benefit of my children who were quite happy to forgo the extras if Mum was at home and I have to say life is better all round. It is unfortunate that in this thread so little comment was give to the hidden cost of childrens welfare when going in to childcare etc.. as at the end of the day no price can be put on this!
Well, the thread is entitled "Should the state help defray childcare costs?" and therefore more of a financial commentary than a social one.
With regards to the French model you mentioned, am I correct in understanding that the higher earners pay full rate of childcare and also effectively pay the taxes that subsidise the balance of the running costs of these facilities? I would wonder about high earning parents, if they have to pay full rates anyway, would they choose private over state care and as a result lead to greater class divides than we have already? There is no perfect solution and it is a highly emotive debate. Every parent wants to give the best that they can to their children and every family situation is different.
Municipal "garderie" are in all main towns & cities and the rate paid by parents for these is a flat rate regardless of income. The creches are subsidised as it is here that the greatest cost lies in the pre-school years. In my experience high earners chose the creche that suited them best ie location etc.. with little consideration for the fact that they might be subsidising others through their taxes. I am not sure whether such subsidies are funded through income tax or through the social fund into which everyone pays regardless of income.
legends question now takes on a bizarre twist , which to be fair was pointed out on aam much earlier than tonight's new headlines would indicate. Bizarre that a childcare payment to help defray the high cost of childcare in Ireland is now payable in all 25 ( soon to be 27) countries in the EU.
I dont think the government has thought this one out fully and it was a pre- election gimmick. I can already see the spin being put out that they knew about this all along.