Should the schools make up the time lost by closing?

I had a few words with a teacher lately about the lack of school due to weather conditions. I was informed that the lost time would easily be made up without working any extra time between January and June. I advised of some of the moans here regarding the school year, teachers holidays etc and she informed me that most of the complaining would be from working parents who might have to pay child-minding fees and the groans would have little to do with the actual missing time.

Furthermore, she pointed out that some kids are dropped off in her school around 7.30am although schooltime does not start until around 9.00am. She said lots of other things regarding many parents which I won't print here.
Thats very interesting, so the parents who might have to pay child-minding fees,would obviously have to do so,because THEY are going to work..go figure..

I have also seen kids arriving at the school before the official starting time, and the schools tell the parents that the kids are not insured and should not be there,it still goes on, and I feel sorry for those kids.Though I have never seen any kids there at 7.30, I have seen them 20 minutes before the school starts.
Pity that there isn't a way that the building could be used to facilitate those who do need to leave before the school opening times.
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