Should the divorce laws be updated?

I quite like the idea of the divorce time being the same as the intention to marry ie 3 months. But a year, even two would be bearable. 4 years is just way too long to be tied (in the legal sense) to someone you don't want to be tied to.
I dont have great knowledge of the divorce laws in Ireland. The laws are complex at best and I can see where lots of time can be exhausted before divorce is delivered. But, there must be cases where Man and Woman can't live together, can't breathe the same air and call their marriage anything other than a sham. I mean as both just want to call the whole thing "Quits, let's separate, let's divorce asap" - That would be great, share the spoils equally. In such cases divorce should be as near to pronto as makes no difference.

But, there is much involved, children, family home, land, cash reserves, investments, lifestyle, even the family dog or a chance of a future lotto jackpot win. Enter the Legal Profession (the greatest benefactors in divorce proceedings) and suddenly you have a Somme situation where both sides labour and labour through every blade of grass, every cent etc.

I remember asking a question in a Christian Brothers school I attended many years ago concerning divorce. I asked why should a woman (or man) who is being constantly beaten, abused, etc by the spouse stay in marriage. I was informed that the receiver of all the abuse should remember the good times and marriage was a contract with God for life. Back in the 60's I used to hear politicians saying the same. It's no wonder that our marriage laws are in the state they are.

I dont know if there are agencies other than the legal profession who can "fast-forward" divorces, especially the "easy" ones. I concede that where child(ren),family home, land, are involved there is a case for using the legal profession. However, I think this should be a last chance only situation.
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you can always go for a DIY divorce, costs very little if everything is straight forward!
to be honest in this day and age i cant undestand why people bother with marrage at all! its only a piece of paper at the end of the day. maybe its for tax reasons, or a nice day out at the church.
I took the Ryanair option and divorced in the UK. I was never going to wait 4 years.
I took the Ryanair option and divorced in the UK. I was never going to wait 4 years.

Do you not have to divorce in the country in which you both live?

I was going to ask about that earlier in the thread, clearly a marriage abroad is valid and recognised in Ireland (with the exception of same sex marriages), is it the same for divorces?
No it is not. Ireland picks and chooses what divorces it recognises.
I divorced and then immediately remarried in the UK. Nothing Ireland could do about it.
No it is not. Ireland picks and chooses what divorces it recognises.
I divorced and then immediately remarried in the UK. Nothing Ireland could do about it.

Don't you have to be resdent in the UK for over a year to do that?
Nope. All you need is an address and usually a solicitor who drafts the papers will provide one.