Should people be made work for the Dole?


Registered User
Does anyone disagree with the notion that anyone who is capable of working should be made work for their dole?

I hear all the time that the dole is too high and is a discouragement to find a job. Also people on the dole would rather be working.

Well, why not make it compulsory for people to get out of their beds at least 3 mornings per week and earn their dole?
Would you apply this to someone who was laid off after 25 years of working for a company who went to the wall during the financial crisis and paid his/her PAYE taxes and PRSI social insurance over those 25 years?
Yes - I disagree with the notion that people should be made work for their dole.

I couldn't see it working in the manner you have outlined. It would need oversight and a layer of bureaucracy and it would be a field day for the PC brigade. Quite simply I think it would fall apart as it would look like slave labour. A much better way IMO is to ensure that you are always better off working for the minimum wage than staying at home.
If unemployed for more than say 12 monthsm you should have to work for the dole. Jobs should involve clearing streets, assisting elderly/disabled in our communities, helping in creches etc. to lower cost of childcare. If people want their benefits and some of the aspects of lifestyle they allow (smoking, Sky TV, mobile phones etc.) they should have to earn these.

If you don't go out to earn these, you should be given food vouchers which are not transferrable to anyone or anything other than staple foods, basic accommodation and a small allowance per week. Draconian? Maybe, but as discussed above people shouldn't be better off not working.

Again, this all needs oversight and jobs filled by the state to manage. What better way to incentivise people to go back to work than to cut the dole? In my opinion, the dole should actually be pretty high in the first few months if you have worked say for >3 years as you are more likely to go back working anyway. Those still on the dole after 12 months should receive every diminishing amounts - you should be financially better off working for the minimum wage than drawing the dole IMO.

Agree with your idea that dole should be pretty high in first few months if you have worked previously - perhaps even as much as 80 - 90% of your salary when you were working, and gradually decrease over time. People that enter the social welfare system straight after leaving school and never have jobs - that's different, they should be working for the money asx they have never contributed to a system, and support should be given to helping train these people with skills (employment, social, citizenship).
Are we the only country in the EU that has unlimited (by time) entitlement to dole payments?
I would prefer to see prisoners being made to work before dole recipients

Also I would like to see someone's dole entitlements based on their social contribution record over the past, say 5-10 years

So someone with a full 10 years contributions would receive 100% dole allowances while someone with, say 8 of 10 years would receive 80% allowance etc

That type of system anyway
I know where I live, there were 3 people on the dole who were told just before Christmas that they had to clean the village or else their money would be stopped. They now work 8am-5pm cleaning up litter, cutting branches, and doing other small jobs around the place.

Two out of the three loved the idea. The third guy wasn't very happy about having to be up before 11am
I wouldn't have a problem working for dole money. It would probably be a lot more than the buttons I'm currently earning!

If there are real jobs out there these should be filled first though rather than making pretendy-uppy jobs. That should be a key benefit of the minimum should be there to provide someone with an incentive to work rather then living off the dole as well as protecting them for greedy business owners.
While it's easy to say some on the dole are lazy it's very easy to fall into a rut. Sleep till noon, watch trash TV and drink cans to distract yourself.
Confidence in such a hole you stress just thinking about a job interview

Pull yourself together say many
True but it's tough but then life is tough and a series of challenges I suppose

Not sure about this plan but I think getting somewhere to go and co workers to chat to will do a world of good to many, out in the fresh air and painting some walls and doing some work, whatever you're sent to do
Gives you a purpose
Ructions here in England with the Government proposal that benefits shoulb be capped at £25,000 per year.
Suggested that this equates to about £35,000 for a working person pre tax.
Was just wondering if any of the above posters have ever spent any time on the dole, because I can assure you it's not a pretty place to be.
Please do not assume that those on the dole have very low skills and would be more suited to cleaning our Streets than perhaps helping our "weaker" students with homework or exam preparation.

A friend offered free Computer Classes at the local Library but was turned down.
I agree with current proposals that you either undertake retraining or attend interviews/take jobs or else your benefits are cut. Its supposed to be jobseekers allowance, not wages for nothing.

PRSI will protect people (to some extent) for the first 12 months - you get higher benefits because of your contributions.

In California they pay benefits onto a card that, recently, couldnt be used for fortune tellers cards and off-licences - the same and a wider restriction would be welcome here - particularly for childrens allowance. I'm afraid that benefit is either saved (by people who dont need it), or wasted on lifestyle spending. Neglect of kids, apparently a not insignificant problem, should be prevented if childrens allowances was being spent properly.