Should Kerr Go and what is our Future ?


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Ok we have not qualified and no surprises there

Was at all of the home games and we just don't have it

However Kerrs tactics have a lot to be desired and like his Rugby counterpart seems
to err on the side of caution.........

I think it was one step to far for him going from youth to Full international(St Pats bit not included)

Should he go and what is our future is there Youth players there ?

Cunningham is gone and I think there should be a few to follow
he should go, no question. For 400k a year and a panel of premiership players I couldnt believe that the best he could offer was a standard of football that was on par with Junior League. It really was amazing that he had to gameplan in place, if his game plan was kick the ball high up into the penalty box for 90mins then he really is lacking in any football knowledge.

Granted he doesnt have world class players to work with but it looked like no one had a clue what the gameplan was and they ended up just hoofing it long.

I had previously supported Brian Kerr but he surely could offer more to the teams strategy than what was evident last night. I really think my local junior soccer club would have been as good.
I kinda felt sorry for Brian watching him on the TV post-match interview. He definitely seems like a manager out of his depth, and just gave the best of his ability, which unfortunately was nowhere near good enough at senior international level. I think he knows it too.

So, he will probably go, as I cannot see what else he has to offer with this current squad of players. But who could do better ? Any candidates spring to mind ? Martin O'Neill perhaps ? Liam Brady has already said 'no' to the job.

Eamonn Dunphy is willing to take the job, though :p
Yeah he should/will go, but I have to say that the players (excluding Shay of course) must take a lot of responsibility. Can anyone see another manager getting more from the 14 players who played last night? Maybe Martin O'Neill, who has a record of turning a pigs ear into a silk purse??? Don't fancy our chances of qualifying next time out given our seeding. Also, I would be worried about our prospects at centre back and centre midfield.
Can anyone see another manager getting more from the 14 players who played last night?

Dont each of the their club managers get more out of them in their club games. Its down to Kerr, he has failed in the last 12 months. He started well but its all over now.
I like the way people turn against someone when things go bad...
I'm not an avid follower of football... but as far a I can remember when he first got the job, wasn't he considered the best thing since slice bread?? And Mick McCarthy was the baddie? :confused:

SteelBlue05 said:
Dont each of the their club managers get more out of them in their club games.

Not always.
John O'Shea is terrible for MU.
Matt Holland doesn't make the team at Charlton
Ian Harte plays 2nd division football in Spain.
Clinton Morrisson plays Championship football.
Robbie Keane and Andy Reid aren't always first choice at Spurs.
Damien Duff has been having a fairly average season for Chelsea.

I've already said that Kerr should go. I Just don't believe that the players we have are good enough.
soc said:
I like the way people turn against someone when things go bad...
I'm not an avid follower of football... but as far a I can remember when he first got the job, wasn't he considered the best thing since slice bread?? And Mick McCarthy was the baddie? :confused:


He did start off well, but this is an important job, a well payed job too, and you have to expect more than was on show last night. Theres no place for feelings at this level.
soc said:
I like the way people turn against someone when things go bad...
I'm not an avid follower of football... but as far a I can remember when he first got the job, wasn't he considered the best thing since slice bread?? And Mick McCarthy was the baddie? :confused:


And a lot of that is down to the Media. But he hasn't exactly endeared himself to the Third Estate in recent weeks........

I think that he could do a good job in a Howard Wilkinson type role, i.e. heading up a School of Excellence or Youth Academy. It would appear that his where his skills lie.

You'd have to wonder where he goes from here, doubtful if any Premiership team would have him, too expensive for League of Ireland........

David O'Leary said he didn't want the job (said he has too much left to offer to club football which gives you some indication of what he thinks of the Ireland job). Has anyone any thoughts on who could/would do the job?
Not always.
John O'Shea is terrible for MU.
Matt Holland doesn't make the team at Charlton
Ian Harte plays 2nd division football in Spain.
Clinton Morrisson plays Championship football.
Robbie Keane and Andy Reid aren't always first choice at Spurs.
Damien Duff has been having a fairly average season for Chelsea.

I've already said that Kerr should go. I Just don't believe that the players we have are good enough.

I dont agree, the performances that most of the Irish team (exceptions like Given) have put in during the last 12 months are well below what they have done for their clubs. Thats Kerrs fault.
SteelBlue05 said:
Dunphy - he talks enough so lets see what he can offer.

Agreed. Why not have the trio of Wise Men that presided over Ireland's defeat from the studio last night (I'm excluding Billo, because, well, he's Billo).
SteelBlue05 said:
I dont agree, the performances that most of the Irish team (exceptions like Given) have put in during the last 12 months are well below what they have done for their clubs. Thats Kerrs fault.

We'll agree to disagree on that one then.
Paddy Power Betting on the next Ireland manager:

5/2 David O'Leary
11/2 Martin O'Neill
11/1 Roy Keane
12/1 John Aldridge
14/1 Joe Kinnear
18/1 George Graham
20/1 Terry Venables
50/1 Alex Ferguson
SteelBlue05 said:
.. He started well but its all over now.

I agree.
And only a wild-eyed optimist, or someone who fancied the salary, would take on the job.

  • Just 2, possibly 3, players who might get on another mid-ranked European team - Given & Duff and maybe Robbie Keane.
  • An employer whose reading material of choice is Machiavelli.
  • A press who will either love you or loathe you with no middle ground.
  • No decent stadium to play in for the foreseeable future
  • Ranked 3rd in the next qualifying group
  • No promising talent coming through
Is it not ranked fourth in the next group? I always understood that they take the average and round down from the last 2 groups and as we came third and fourth respectively...

We just dont have the players. Thats it. No other way to put it.

Even if Kerr organised them correctly theyre just not good enough. Heres a dissection of the squad as I see it
Given. no problems. Top 3 in europe.
Carr. Not half the player he was 5 years ago at spurs. The move to NU hasnt brought out the best in him.
Finnan. Unfortunate not to have played last night, Benitez has brought the best out of him and hes playing well.
OShea. Id like to say a confidence crisis as Im a MANU fan but its not. Hes just ****e. Hed be third choice at united if everyone else was back (heinze etc)
Harte. Second div spanish team. Turning arc like the QEII. Enough said.
Cunningham. Looking like hes past it but does seem to play well at club level which would indicate Kerr wasnt getting the best out of him.
Huggy. Same as cunningham, hes thought well of in england but Kerr cant seem to get consistent performances out of him.
Holland. Same as the 2 above. Lacks a little something at that level tho.
Duff, not playing well lately but still head and shoulders above his teammates.
Stephen Reid, just not up to this level. give him a chance I hear you cry?? Hes not up to it. We have very little else tho so he may get his chance now.
Andy Reid. Bit of promise but kerr cant seem to get him to fulfil it at international level.
Kavanagh. Really just a first div player at best. Will give you everything he has but gives the ball away. You get away with that in the championship but at international you get punished.
Morrison. Really not a good player. But we just dont have anyone else, we're hoping the likes of Doyle will come through but who else like me scours the papers to see if an Irish youth is making the grade at a prem club every week? and then wonders why there never is. He was embarrasing last night and Senderos had him in his pocket.
Docherty. how does this guy even have a professional football contract?
Robbie Keane, needs a move every 3 years to keep himself fresh. Hes gone stale but hes still our best chance of scoring.
Elliott, game lad, but Im sick of hearing game lad. Youre up front to score goals, even clinton bagged a few in the qualifiers.

Kerr. Doesnt have it. Just doesnt have it. If youre not blessed with talent you have to get the best out of what you have. He hasnt been able to do that. Toodleoo.

Not a talented squad. No leadership from management or senior players. Be prepared for at least another 2 set of qualifiers with no hope of doing anything either. We're at least 1 footballing generation away from producing anything. Could go on a bit about grassroots in the FAI, eircom league, schoolboys, govt investment but it'd do no good. We dont currently have the players and we're 12-15 years away from having them.
car said:
Docherty. how does this guy even have a professional football contract?

Really, this is a good question. Have you ever seen such a clumbsy, always fouling, player before. He must be laughin to himself with earning probably around 10k a week for nothing. And then he goes and injures our best player, Given, in training just days before the match. Hes a liability!!
I am not defending Kerr but let's look at the final table..

We only lost one match!
Between the top four in the group, there was only one match won! (Ireland v France)
Nobody lost to the minnows!
We were still alive going into the last match!

On paper therefore his record was good.

Remember, with an International squad, you cannot buy and sell players like we are used to in the Premiership. The new man will have the same half-baked players!

Tell me anyone who didn't fall out with the FAI!

It's them I blame - where has all the money gone?
Three world cups and nothing to show for it!
No stadium, no youth policy, no direction and riddled with in-fighting and nepotism.
They have probably had more more Chief Executives than team managers!
Sorry Jas. Cant agree.Faroe Islands and Cyprus were just floss making up the numbers. Isreal should have been in this catagory too. Basically there should have been 3 teams playing for the two spots. and of these 3 Ireland were the ony ones to lose a game. Isreal are a poor team. very poor. They were aware that going into their last home games against the Faroes that a good goal difference might qualify them in 2nd spot but they only won 2-1. Poor performance from a poor but gutsy team. And we managed to finish behind them, so they deserved 3rd. Wednesday night would have made absolutely no difference anyway if we had won as Croatia are a superior team to either Ireland/Switzerland/Isreal and should have no real problem qualifying. You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear and that's the bottom line. We do however need a new young hungry manager, preferably from a football playing culture ( ie Portugal, Holland etc ) to try and get a semblance of order back into this team, who have a good sprinkling of young if ordinary players. Most teams have ordinary players but play to a game plan. We had none for the past 6 games.

15 years ago, nobody had ever heard of Portugal , you just went there for the Hols. But they invested heavily in a youth policy and it paid off - same with Norway and Sweden to an extent, following the Dutch example.
We had a great youth policy a few years ago - even got to a couple of World finals - all under Kerr . Where is the policy now? It was not Kerr's fault that the FAI chose him in error. They chose him because they thought of him as a safe pair of hands ahead of some French guy and maybe Bryan Robson.

The FAI made the mistake and won't take the blame for it.
Let's face it - you can't make a silk purse........