Should Ireland appeal the Apple ruling

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What exactly do you mean by this. It is something I hear said a lot by very different people with very different perspectives. How do you see us as stealing taxes, and from where.
There's a difference between what's moral and what's legal. We tax MNC's at a very low rate on activities that take place in other countries which should be taxed in those countries.

Other countries do other things that are immoral, none more so than our nearest neighbour. That's the way of the world. It doesn't make it right.
Thanks. Beyond crazy state of affairs in this day and age.
It is, and the Germans suck money out of the rest of Europe with their balance of trade policies and the French have massive subsidies for their industries and both of them broke the Growth and Stability pact rules straight after they signed it. They both want open competition in areas where they are competitive but no competition in areas in which they are not competitive. We are as down and dirty as any of them but probably no worse than most.
We tax MNC's at a very low rate on activities that take place in other countries which should be taxed in those countries.
What proof do you have of that?

In your answer recall that about 20% of Irish private sector employment is directly with foreign-owned firms and accounts for a third of all income tax of said base.
What proof do you have of that?

In your answer recall that about 20% of Irish private sector employment is directly with foreign-owned firms and accounts for a third of all income tax of said base.
Do you think that Apple generates around €70 billion in profits on economic activities which take place in Ireland?

iPhone sales account for about a half of their profits. The phones are designed in America, using chips and screens designed and built in Southeast Asia, software developed in America, Asia and Europe and other specialist components designed and built in Europe, America and Asia. They are assembled by around 200,000 Foxcon employees in factories in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. They are then sold all over the world.

What do we offer, other than low taxes on economic activity which is carried out in its entirety in other parts of the world?

Oh, and MNC's account for 87% of Corporation taxes and over 50% of employment taxes here.
Well Geithner allegedly scuppered a €15b debt forgiveness deal from the IMF all them years ago?

So if the Yanks are loosing out this time I think it's quid pro quo
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