Should I use a mortgage broker?


Registered User
Hi all,

I'm in a bit of a quandary. I've inherited some money and a share in a property. Probate has gone through and I've got the inherited money, but the house hasn't been conveyed into the names of my siblings and me (co-inheritors) yet. We plan to put the house on the market next selling season (autumn).

However, I'd like to buy this season if I can. I've seen a house I like and prices still seem to be rising.

I plan to ask the bank for an interest only mortgage to keep repayments low for the first year (should be enough time to sell the inherited property), then pay off a lump sum from the sale proceeds and move to a regular repayment mortgage. However, I think the sum I want will be difficult to get: I know I can afford the repayments - I've saved a comparable sum consistently for months - but it'll be outside the banks' lending guidelines.

I have accounts with a couple of banks and my question is... should I approach these myself, or go straight to a broker and get them to act on my behalf? I've been reading some of the application forms and they ask have you looked for a mortgage before, so I don't want to mess up my chances by being rejected on my own behalf when a broker could have got me a mortgage, or vice versa.

Can anyone advise please??
If you'd like to post details of your occupation, income, savings, loans (if any) details of the inherited house I'll be happy to advise you on your borrowing capacity.....

Sarah (I'm a broker! )
Hi Sarah,

I'd rather not post all my details on the board, so I've sent you a private message - hope that's ok!

Thanks for your help.