Should I take up newly offered position?


Registered User
I'm due to be made redundant soonand am panicking with regard to finding another suitable position. Its a stressful time anyway as I'm getting married later in the year and need all the money I have. I've been offered a position, the money is 10k less than what I'm on and I'm not even sure if I'm going to like it or not. Should I take it or should I hold tight for a while?
Thanks very much
Re: Should I take it?

Hi mwhich,

Sorry to hear that you are losing your job. Hard to advise without more information e.g. 10k less that what. If your previous salary was 15k then maybe not. Can you live on 10k less? Is that the going rate for your position? In general though I would be loath to turn down any reasonable offers at the moment. You can always leave if you hate it. It's not a prison sentence, just an option. Not easy living on JSB or JSA. It's often said it's easier to get a job when you have one. You could take it and keep applying for other positions.

Best of luck,
