Should I stop paying into my pension (500k value) and keep it in my company to take as retirement relief?


New Member
Should I stop paying into my pension (500k value) and keep it in my company to take as retirement relief?
Is corporation tax payable on money left in the company, when folding my company?
Get the company asset value up to 750000 which can be got out tax free, then consider adding to pension.
Should I stop paying into my pension (500k value) and keep it in my company to take as retirement relief?
There simply isn't enough information to even begin to answer. Just be aware that retirement relief is only available on business assets; any cash in excess of working capital could fall outside of this depending on the specific circumstances.

You need professional advice to come up with an efficient approach to retirement. Any good accountant is currently in their busiest month of the year, so make an appointment after tax filing deadline.
Thanks for your replys, I will try and get accountants advice in relation to my companys' circumstances.