Should I report accident to insurance company or not?


Registered User
A friend was recently involved in a minor car crash where he rear ended another car. Damage was not serious and my friend accepted responsibility and agreed to pay for repair of other car. He did not involve his insurance in the incident.
I suggested to him that he should inform his insurance company about the incident for the following reason.
IF the driver of the other car later gets retrospective back/neck pain they can claim against my friend for this and the insurance company MAY not pay up as they were not informed of the accident at the time
Does anybody know if I am correct in this as my suggestion was pooh-poohed at the time?
Regards. W200
Re: To tell or not to tell ?

I would call them to say what happened, just to cover himself. He has nothing to lose.

He can say that he is hoping to cover the damage himself if it is not too much as he doesn't want to lose his no claim bonus.

He can also check with his insurance company if they will cover the cost & if he has no more accidents during his policy term, can he repay them the amount if it is going to affect his no claims....I don't know if they allow this anymore, but I know my dad did it many years ago.
Re: To tell or not to tell ?

I would agree with you 100% for the exact reason you gave - the chance of a related claim n the future.

As Sam H said the insurance company may allow him to pay for the damage himself so his no claims is not affected.
Re: To tell or not to tell ?

that or you could write a letter, get all parties to sign it and have a whitness there too!

I was in an accident years ago when i was in college, paid the lady cash, and got my law lecturer at the time to draught a letter saying that payment ahd been recieved in full and that basically she couldnt ever come back to me with anything, personal injuries or more damage internally etc. not sure would someone agree to this but she had signed it, it was whitnessed she could never come back to me for anything!
Re: To tell or not to tell ?

... to draught a letter ...

Legal missives on tap - wow, what next? :rolleyes:

OP, your friend needs to read his insurance policy.
  • Never, ever admit responsibility for a motor accident as by doing so he may be creating a liability for his insurers (which may annoy them and they may choose not to pay)
  • He is obliged under the terms of his policy to report all accidents involving him to his insurers

Maybe he'd be better off on the bus?