Should i register as a sole trader or LTD company?


Registered User
hi everyone, over the next few weeks i will be building my own website which will advertise electronics/gadgets for sale. i will not be selling these products directly,these producs will be sold by amazon/ebay etc its my objective to bring targeted traffic to my site where the products are advertised and then be paid commission by google/affiliate juction/ebay etc if/when a sale is made.i have done extensive research and am confident i can make good money doing this over time.

At the moment im working a 9 to 5 job and earning 25k. i plan on keeping this job aswell as running my affilate website. I want to make sure all of my income is declared and everything is all legal. i have read the pro's and con's of LTD company versus sole trader, the obvious advantage of the LTD company is the low rate of 12.5% corporate tax.i dont expect to make a huge amont of money the 1st year but the problem im facing is whether to register as a sole trader or LTD company? this is where i need some opinions/advice. Also i am unsure whether i should register for VAT? my website will have no overheads at all except my broadband bill, hosting for the site is free, i will run the site from my home. i will be paid on a commission only basis.

so.......... sole trader Vs Ltd co.

opinions/suggestions/comments welcome


Go with a sole trader to start with. If things are going well after a few months maybe look at setting up a ltd co then.
... i have read the pro's and con's of LTD company versus sole trader, the obvious advantage of the LTD company is the low rate of 12.5% corporate tax..
The 12.5% corporation tax relates to money in the company. Once you withdraw any of it to pay yourself, you are liable for income tax on the drawings.
thanks for the link clubman

do you think i would have to register for VAT?
ok just read the links, it seems i wont have to register for VAT as im assuming that i will make below the threshhold on the 1st year anyway.

can anyone recommend a reasonably priced accountant who is highly competant, please send me pm