Should I move to Ulster Bank?

What sort of a crazy condition is that, it is supposed to be a current account after all?
They've run the numbers and know that this accounts for the vast majority of customers. Therefore, it's almost a case of 'free banking' in name only - if someone asks them if they have removed free banking, they can say no - but the reality is different.
Absolutely, but you can out-smart the T&C's, by taking out larger amounts each time you use an ATM and using your cards as much as possible.

It is easy to keep below 5 ATM withdrawals in a month.
I take a different POV regarding Ulster Banks' IT issues.
Now that they've suffered from such they are probably IT glitch proof, or close to it.
I am presuming that they've learned a lot from that fiasco and have updated procedures and looked at processes. Which probably puts them ahead of the others in this regard.

But specifically migrating to UB... I would like to but from what I understand I would loose my current credit card and essentially have to re-apply with UB. There is no migrating cc process, only current accounts it seems.

Fair enough in one way, but if i close my existing current account with BOI, and cc account, then I loose access to the credit obviously, but also my credit history, which sucks.
And if UB subsequently declines my application for a cc, then i've really wrong footed myself.

Why not just hang onto your BOI CC and pay it off via UB current account? I have an AIB CC and currently pay it off via BOI current account. You dont need to have current account to have credit card with a particular bank
Why not just hang onto your BOI CC and pay it off via UB current account? I have an AIB CC and currently pay it off via BOI current account. You dont need to have current account to have credit card with a particular bank
Oh really?
I thought the credit card with BOI was linked to my current account with them. If I can have a cc card without the current account then maybe that's what i'll do.

Will look into it.
They aren't linked. You can keep the credit card, and have your current account with another bank.

Indeed, it might be wise: there is no guarantee another bank would approve you for a card or give you the same limit you enjoy with your current card provider.
That is probably one bank official making an arbitrary decision.

Payslips are not needed and UB will open current accounts for unemployed people.
That is probably one bank official making an arbitrary decision.

Payslips are not needed and UB will open current accounts for unemployed people.

There was post here some time ago from someone who is unemployed who said that they could not open a new current account with any Irish bank including Ulster Bank. The reason they gave was that you need a PPS number to open an account these days which is a new-ish Central Bank of Ireland requirement.

Most UK bank accounts are only open to those in UK employment as well.

It can be difficult for those unemployed to open an account.

Are you certain that UB currently allow this?
The reason they gave was that you need a PPS number to open an account these days which is a new-ish Central Bank of Ireland requirement.

you dont need to be employed to have a PPS number.

I think people are confusing the issue slightly. The Paper article mentioned here says they needed a payslip and as they werent employed couldnt provide one. Hence no bank account. I'd guess that the bank doesnt want any accounts that dont have regular amounts transferred in - maybe a fear of running up an unauthorised overdraft /DDs bouncing etc.

Still seems illogical to refuse people permission to open an account without a payslip
They (UB) opened an account for my friend who needed an account to receive his SW payment into as postbank closed down. They had no problem with this. He is not employed. He provided them with a SW payslip.

The other mainstream banks would not touch him with a bargepole.